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Ms. Ogdenstock is the most wholesome lady you'll ever meet. She's never  had an Indoor Voice. She always had the best Halloween treats. She would bake a tray of actual caramel apples and give them away, loved directing local high school plays, sewing costumes, and making big, loud necklaces and bracelets.

So when you heard she took up casual nudity, it made all the sense in the world. But hearing about it couldn't prepare you enough for finally bumping into the large, curvy, happy woman on the street.


Part 3 will be released next week! Why Part 3 and not 2?

Part 2 will be this month's animation!

Anyway, have you fallen in love with Ms. Ogdenstock as much as I have? I based her off almost all the teachers I ever had a crush on so... I may be biased. What do you think? Let me know and





She is the best type of teacher. Topless is just the cherry on top.

Mr. Sack

This would be a teacher I would definitely stay after class for extracurricular activities and keep in touch after graduating. If I had a teacher like this, I might actually consider reunions.

Sam T

Oh I love her too. There's enough of her to go around. As a teacher she knows how to make sure everyone gets enough attention

Helen Dingo

She looks like she gives amazing hugs. 💖

Helen Dingo

The kind that pop that crick in your back you didn't fully realize was there until it was gone, kinda hugs.


Love this idea would be cool to see her at the start of her teaching career 10/10


The type of teacher you will most definitely "accidentally" call "mom" ~ lmao


Omg I love her!!! 😍


This type of teacher was always on the verrrge of being into this kinda thing.

Dire Wolf

I sure hope one of their students did that when doin the do