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Maybe a bit out-of-character, but this is based on a commission I took a couple of years back, which is itself based on a fanfic about someone inhabiting PG's body...

I thought the pic itself was cute, so I gave it a re-draw! I shouldn't be, but I'm a bit surprised at the growth my art has gone through.

So, how do you like? You a fan of PG and her huge heavy sidekicks? Cos I sure am.

Let me know, and 





I love PG and I'm wondering what I did to see such a wonderful thing today, hahahaha. Plans to color it, or just leave it as a lineart? Because no lie, I kinda wanna take a crack at it myself!

Christopher French

Power Girl is legit one of my favorite superheroes, and this art is AMAZING.


Thank you! I won't colour it right away, buuut, I think I'd like to keep it to myself. I'll probably want to take a crack at it sometime soon.