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We're going back to hot sunny afternoons this picture - because I miss it, and because its where this month's lady belongs...

Eva Salah, at training!

Winding down after an intense session...

I'm actually hoping to hear from you guys on this one! I've attached a couple of the thumbnails as well as the sketch. I've departed in the pencils from the thumbs as an attempt to "improve" the composition... but seeing it now I'm not entirely convinced.

Think the rough thumbs work better? Anything from the pencil you prefer?

Let me know and





I like both for differing reasons. The pencil has a look to it like we're taking a peek in on her - an observer that isn't made aware to her, which is nice as the pic seems more personal, private, and intimate. The thumbnails make it look like she's aware of the observer and beckoning then over, which is nice as well but loses a bit of the personal feeling. Again, hard to tell with the low detail on it versus the pencil lines. Whichever one you go with, it's going to be awesome regardless. Really looking forward to the final version!