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Is Karlach from Baldur's Gate 3. 

This is kinda unexpected since I haven't played Baldur's Gate and I don't know anything about her, so I better do some research XP




Muscle Mommy style perhaps 👀

Depressed Sadist

Let’s gooooo!!!!! If you want any tips on her personality, think really loving and caring mixed in with extremely horny and bashful. Fuck yeah!!!!!


She is a tiefling barbarian who escaped from hell from the hands of a great demon named (Zariel). Her heart is a hell engine. Before the engine is repaired in the plot, her whole body radiates high temperature and has unstable anger. She cannot Rather than make physical contact, Karak longed to find a way to deal with the engine's increasing heat before it burned out completely. But more importantly, she wants to explore, find and fall in love (or lust) with like-minded travelers... and seek revenge on the man who betrayed her to Zariel all those years ago. (Google Chinese Translate English)


她是从地狱从一个叫大恶魔扎瑞尔(Zariel)手里逃出来的提夫林野蛮人,心脏是一颗地狱引擎,在剧情修好引擎之前全身散发的高温且有不稳定的发怒,无法与其有肢体接触,卡菈克渴望找到一种解决引擎越来越热的方法,以免被完全烧毁。但更重要的是,她想探索、寻找志同道合的旅行者并与之坠入爱河(或情欲之中)……并向那个多年前将她出卖给 扎瑞尔的男人复仇。(中文原文)


Just think big flaming horny puppy that’s demon shaped. And definitely has a fat cock.

Jamal Laquari

Congrats to the Karlach enjoyers


I should've known the newest character would win, the others already have established lewds