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Since I feel like the overall update has been slow for the past couple of weeks(Whether you felt the same or not), I thought I should let you guys know what I've been working on.

I teased this on the discord server before, I'm working on a 5 page comic featuring I-No from guilty gear.

Sketch was done at the end of May, but the coloring method I used on this comic is the one that I started practicing on June which I'm not used to, and that's the main reason the process is quite slow.

Trying something new and you're not satisfied with the progress, falling in to a slump, typical stuff.

But still it's being done little by little, and I'll try to finish this comic and upload it as soon as I can.

So yeah, this was a quick update and thank you for your patience :)




Always did wonder whatever happened to the Maddie Fenton comic? That one was getting good by page 2!


That was a commissioned comic and since the number of pictures limit is 2 per person on each opening there're only 2 pages for now. I think there'll be more when I open again in the future.

Neon Crow

Take your time king


Take your time you can't rush art


Hell yes some ino, I’m sure it’ll be great


You have a Discord!? I must have been sleeping when you gave it out. What is the discord server?


You'll be invited to the server automatically once you link your patreon page to your discord on your patreon settings


She looks thirsty AF


Do you still have that Danny Phantom Mother ntr on the list of ones to continue?


That was a commission and yes I'm going to contact the commissioner again when I open again.


Where is that?