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Lately I became a part of a small art study group with my college friends and last week we studied about coloring and lighting.

These are my first attempts of using the method I learned from that study and tbh, I'm really satisfied with the result!

I always had trouble using variety of colors in one picture, and these are the most colorful pictures I've done in my entire life! I'm not even exaggerating XD

I'm going to do more coloring practice to get used to this style, I hope you guys like it as much as I do :D




Cammy looks so good with this method! The details on her legs and breast stand out even more now


This looks really good, I’ve been trying to figure out a good coloring method for a while as well but I honestly think I need to just get better at coloring/painting. Cause I’m trying to get a sort of painting/coloring method like Hankuri/hungryclicker.


Looks great


Great job 👏🏾


Always wanted to see you draw them this way, glad I can


perfect womens for matingpress!


Shit so sexy and crisp! Fuckin love it ❤️‍🔥