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In this novella length tale, a man is captured and added to a facility where people are transformed into Pokémon, and must deal with both the changes to his species and sexuality, as well as the group dynamics of the others changing in the habitat with him



Don't usually comment on anything usually but just had to say. I thought i considered myself heterosexual but dang this story was great and has me wanting to be in that vaporeons position. Great job and I really hope there's going to be a part 2


Thanks so much for the words of praise! I like hearing when my work helps people enjoy something they didn't know they liked or even finding out something about themselves they didn't know! I think that's the really cool part of TF! And yeah, I have the rest of the story outlined, should be another 10-20k words and I'll be posting the whole thing as a full draft once it's done, and eventually editing it for posting elsewhere! As an aside the Vaporeon part was super fun to write!


As a Glaceon enjoyer, this is a certified hood classic. Glace glace~