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Hi, Keo here!

This still might need some further polishing, but it's here - and it works! I've spend some time over the last few days implementing a gallery for Dawn Chorus. I found this guide quite helpful, but I rewrote the code from it to use the modern RenPy Gallery functionality and made my own layout for it. 

In the end it was much more work than I thought it would be. While the basic functionalities are there, making the gallery presentable to the user took some work. In the next few days I plan to share the code on GitHub, so that other VN devs who want to implement galleries in their games could use it too.

EDIT: I actually found the time to finish working on it, the code is already available on GitHub, and so I'm adding this functionality to v0.6.4 build that will be out tomorrow on itch.io.



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