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Hi, Keo here!

I will start by announcing that the cautiously optimistic but not yet 100% confirmed date for the release of October update is currently between 23.10 and 25.10. We would rather push the date even one week further than release an unfinished update, though. It's been a hard month for the whole team so far and we're all a bit behind the schedule, so we unfortunately need some extra time. hq is working hard on design for the map and some assets for the Halloween Special that will be a part of the game, Tintiai is creating two CGs for us this time, Roborak works on some new renders and I still have a lot of scenes to write.

As usual, update will be available publicly two weeks after the release on itch.io.

And It's already five days after build 0.3 was released for the public, and so far we've got 26 responses in our survey. It's not a great amount, but enough to draw some conclusions.

First thing, it looks like an overwhelming majority of people like the new backgrounds. That means we're sticking with the 3D rendered backgrounds, and will now work on their quality - we hope that in new build we will have some new ones, and the worse looking ones will be replaced. 

Looking at the next questions, it's clear that Lake and Rune are the most liked characters, but everyone from the cast is getting some love, which we're very happy to see. We aim to give you some more time to get to know everyone better before the end of Day 1, when the script splits into proper routes.


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