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(the update can be downloaded from here)  
Today we're releasing the second update for Dawn Chorus for patrons. The update itself is around ~15k words, so even bigger than the last one, and in addition to the new scenes it features new rendered backgrounds by Roborak. In addition to that there's also a new CG by Tintiai, new music by Keo, and a guest track by DJ Saint-Hubert. We also thank Swordkiller for proofreading parts of the update. We hope you will enjoy playing it!
The survey got updated with another question regarding the rendered backgrounds, we would definitely like ot hear your opinions on them. Unfortunately we couldn't finish implementing the map for this update, we hope it will be ready for the next one. Again, we apologise for the delay, but the amount of content we wanted to put into this update we needed some extra time. 


Jacek Jagosz

Wow, what a great update. I have never seen a VN get so many backgrounds in one update, and they are very detailed too. The first one showing outside of the building, the scratched one, is extremely beautiful. You could use it as one of the promoting pictures. Many backgrounds clearly look like they are computer generated, but they are still so good you can keep them as is. Maybe consider adding a filter that makes them look like a painting (similar to what Santa Lucia does), but that's just a suggestion. I really loved the story and music, how peaceful they makes me feel. I hope you can manage similar size of story updates next time, because it was awesome to see so many interactions, but I know it will be hard to achieve. PS Links don't work for me on Linux, no big deal, but could you put link to the survey somewhere on Patreon?


Sure! The survey is the same as the last time, just with one additional question. If you already answered the questions regarding the characters there's no need to do the same again. Link: https://forms.gle/Ju7YR1Wq5BDEKSWR7


HI! There was a minor error in Bjorn's scene in the new update that was causing an exception, we've fixed it and re-uploaded the visual novel in 0.3.3 version. If you have a version lower than that, we recommend re-downloading the game.


The shirtless Devon sprite looks perfect but the shirtless Rune sprite needs work.


The survey still says Tyra instead of his new name.


Thanks for pointing that out! We will leave it as is for now before the current build goes public and change it then, or create a new poll whatsoever.


Not sure why the Rune sprite needs work? It looks fine to me.


Small question, is Rune more muscular than Devon?