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We're very excited to release the first update to Dawn Chorus for public, available at our itch.io page. With more than 12,000 words this update is even bigger than the initial demo, and likely it's not the standard size of the update we will be providing in the future. A lot of that size comes from the fact that we had to write parallel scenes for different characters and choices, so to see all the content several playthroughs are needed.

Because of the multitude of small changes and fixes we cannot guarantee that the saves from previous version will work correctly, and skip functionality might not recognise already seen lines, so we advise you to use the Skip Unseen option in properties to skip to the new content.


  • Continuation of the story
  • Sprite height corrected - characters are taller now!
  • Small changes to the demo (we have changed the dynamics of friendship between Arvo and Mikko a bit, Lake has a longer introduction)
  • Typo and grammar fixes (huge thanks to Rook for finding mistakes for us, and for Alstor for doing a more throughout proofreading)
  • CG by Tintiai (subject to change)

We have prepared a survey for the update, you can provide any feedback and vote for your favourite characters there, so we can know what to focus on next. If you liked the game, please consider supporting us here on Patreon.


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