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We are now releasing the first update to Dawn Chorus, available here:

This link is intended only for patrons, the update will be available for everyone else in two weeks from now.

Unfortunately the CG intended for this update was not finished in time, we are still in process of negotiations with the artist, but we hope that we will be able to show it in our next update.

With more than 12,000 words this update is even bigger than the initial demo, and it's not the standard size of the update we will be providing in the future. A lot of that size comes from the fact that we had to write parallel scenes for different characters and choices, so to see all the content several playthroughs would be needed.

In addition to the new content we have made some changes to what was already in the demo - from fixing some mistakes (huge thanks to Rook for finding them for us, and for Alstor for doing a more throughout proofreading), adding some scenes (now Lake has a proper introduction), to making some small changes (we have changed the dynamics of friendship between Arvo and Mikko, please tell us what do you think about it).

We have prepared a survey for the update, you can provide any feedback there or in the comments below the post. 



We have found an issue with one of the routes that we haven't located before. We have just uploaded the fixed update, if you have already downloaded it we strongly recommend re-downloading the update.


Great update!

Jacek Jagosz

I doesn't work on Linux even though the 1st version did. I have never encountered a RenPy game that didn't work on Linux even though I played dozens, so I don't know why. After searching the error, it seems to lack the necessary font, so have you made any changes with that since the last version?


Hello, No, we haven't made any changes. However, the version labelled as Linux version on itch.io is the same as PC version, this time we have separately built a version for Linux. Can you check if PC version works fine? If not, then we will again create a build without custom fonts and upload that one.