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Hello my lovely Patrons,

Sorry for disappearing for some time! May got a little wild for me with the freelance work (some of it I will get to share with you around August! 😊) 

I really hoped to finish this illustration before I leave for a short vacation - but I failed to do so. 

That's why I'm closing the Patreon billing for one month, so you won't be charged for the month of May. 

I will be back in June and hope to get back on track with it! 

And here's the beginning process I decided to share with you so far. This first messy colored sketch I painted a few months ago but wasn't sure where I was going with it. I got more boat and lake references and got inspired to push it further. 

The final lineart on the right will be a part of June goodies once I come back home 💖

Thank you for sticking around!






Ahh I already got charged for May, the payment came out a day or two ago :( I'm not sure if it's because of what date I signed up.


Disregard that, I just received the refund ☺