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Temporary Drive Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OyZcT8oljVeh8DDsFnWaxs4hNRQ95-Pl/view?usp=sharing

I need some feedback on how it works on your guys VR stuff. I lost my index when I moved so I can't really see how well it works. I'm going to render a version where the camera is standing off to the side so it won't have all the cuts and moving. If anything else needs to be changed let me know. I would like to hit render on the final version soon :D


Genshin 360 Hose Video

Keep up with the BIG things that are coming! Twitter: https://twitter.com/SliceOfSize Discord: https://discord.com/invite/3p5w3Q5 If you do help me out on Patreon I'll forever be thankful for the support. Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SliceOfSize



I haven't tested in VR yet because I've been busy learning things as well, but visually it looks pretty fine. There is One VERY important thing about VR that you DON'T do though and it's slowly moving the camera. When we're immersed, we view ourselves as standing in place or sitting there. So rollercoasters work because we believe we're sitting in them and getting picked up by a giant girl or being thrown feels natural despite how fast it is because our brain knows it's happening to us. So when you introduce slow camera movements and there's no screen edges telling you it's a camera like 180 VR, you're gonna make people sick. This is because it's completely unnatural to our brain and immersion. This is why I will usually do a 180 VR conversion vid for not-intended VR stuff and the camera shots will be completely still, but in a good spot where you can see SO much more than the original vid provided. It helps the frame of mind think, "you're the camera man." One trick I did find is that if the camera is following a character that's walking or doing something, our brain tells us that we're following them as another person. Another thing people watch for is world scale. Admittedly I thought a massive world scale would save me from near clipping the close stuff but it turns out it was an option called near clip plane and not the world scale. (Which I found out after making Michiru vid)