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Android (Experimental)
Mac (untested)
Linux (untested)

Thanks for support guys. I'm releasing the game for patrons for now. This is a multiplayer game, and it has a bit of introduction and tutorial, it's focused around erp. I've been testing the game with limited amount of people and would like to see how it performs now and I'm planning to post it to public later. I'd love to hear your feedback on it.
I'm planning to switch to 3d engine later and with this project I wanted to test how it is to build a multiplayer game, so it is small. I've added questions and answers section in the main menu where I've tried answering a bunch of questions regarding this and future projects.

If you wanna find partners you can join my discord server, and you can set up private lobby in the game.




As far as a proof of concept this definitely worked. Played on android with someone last night and didn’t notice any glitching or anything. Text chat worked, the functions all worked, when they took control(because I was a sub of course) I couldn’t do anything, and when they moved back to a passive state, I was immediately able to choose the next position. There even seemed to be very little lag in the chatting. They told me to say something, I said it, they immediately picked a position and it all ran smoothly. So far this is a 10/10 project!


Thank you so much, I tried my best. I wanna keep adding things and meanwhile I'll start learning unity 3d and honestly wanna try recreating the game there, as I've mentioned in the q/a section in the game. Thanks for playing