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There was a gorgeous 2 pm sunset today as we were driving home. For a moment everything was in rose gold and glittery silver white, and breathtakingly beautiful. I didn't even want to take pictures of it because I knew that the camera can't see what I'm seeing. I couldn't resist the urge to try, anyhow. I painted over one of the photos just now, editing it to show you the difference between what I clearly saw, and what my phone camera (a joyless nihilist who refuses to see beauty in anything) wanted to show.



pam obv10usly

That painting is stunning. But I’m sure it’s even more beautiful when you think back of the actual view you saw, enhanced by the lovely company 💕


I gave up trying to photograph very beautiful scenic areas to REALLY capture all the beauty some years ago. I was in a very beautiful part of Asia close to the HImalayas but no matter how much I tried my limited photographic skills just never could catch the amazingness of it all.