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My partner is strongly a rule-follower who requires instructions, and I am an improviser who prefers to figure things out intuitively. A good, well-designed piece of user-friendly technology is one that caters to both types of users - intuitive to use for the intuitive users, and also comes with a comprehensive manual for the instruction-based users. Our managing styles are essentially a venn-diagram, where the things you need to know how to do and use are squarely in the middle. That covers about 75% of stuff, and for the most part when either of us encounters something that they can't figure out, the other one can take over and either take educated guesses, or check the manual.

And if a thing manages to be designed in a way that's outside both of our field of experience and comfort zone, it's simply poorly designed.




I'm always on Team Green! I already sent it to my partner, too perfect. Thank you! <3


"I am in this picture and I don't like it" 😅