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Fun fact: both finnish and apparently some germanic languages have a "missing word" for bear - myth has it that if you speak out the true name of the beast, it will arrive to see who called for it. The current word for "bear" is one of the euphenisms used in its stead. The true name was avoided so carefully that it was actually forgotten, and therefore lost to history altogether.




I once helped to write a story that featured "gods" that modern people believed in. So I created Digi, the embodiment of the digital highway who existed because of all the prayers said to printers. This comic reminded me that Digi still exists out there somewhere and they can hear us!


"Bear" (German "Bär", Swedish "Björn", Dutch "Beer") actually means "the brown one". The original indogermanic word is something along "ursus" (Latin) and "arktós" (Greek). Obviously the germanic tribes feared the Brown One so much that they didn't dare to say its actual name,