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Another atual conversation we had in the car one time. The singer - I can't recall the band nor his name - of one song on my partner's playlist had this absolutely amazing deep, low, rumbling bass sound that sounds like the way strong black coffee and 99% dark chocolate tastes. The kind of a voice where just wordlessly vocalising on the lowest note he can go no longer sounds like a sound made by a human being, but the engine sounds of an idling truck.

EDIT: Someone on Twitter found the singer! His name is Geoff Castellucci!

I don't know what my singing voice is these days, but having a voice like that would be so cool.




You might want to look for basso profundo, which is the lowest singing voice iirc. I believe it's also called oktavist, but again, I'm no expert

North Grizz

There is something special about a really deep voice. Unfortuantely, although my voice is normally deep I am not a good singer so I'm down there but not necessarily on the right notes :)