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This vent comic has been brought to you by : Both of the libraries in the city have an A3 scanner, but both of the A3 scanner in both of the libraries are broken. My plans for today failed because their success relied on things outside of my control working the way they're supposed to work. In the end I needed to invest in my own printer (which I'm able to do thanks to all of you <3), so the situation is resolved for the time being, but not before needing to draw a comic about it.




So. Not a great time then, I take it?


This is so relatable. Thank you for sharing it. We all rage sometimes and I feel like getting it out artistically is healthy.


Naturally there's people who have it worse, but it gets tiring when you're trying to put your life in order by fixing one problem at a time, and the new problems that are shovelled in their stead weren't even caused by you.

Ian R

The more urgently you need technology to work, the less likely it is that it will comply.


This is the biggest and loudest of moods.

pam obv10usly

I swear printers are out to get us. btw, I was just trying to figure out what I'd call the small super-ego babe if I was doing an alt text for this. Little Rock, maybe? :D

Charity A. Petrov

Not only is the rage relatable, the last line genuinely made me lol. 👍


Oh, you draw my day perfectly


On the up side, the libraries' failure has forced you into self-reliance, and they shall never ruin your day again due to this problem.

steph von bothmer

i love the dark side of the fox 😂 mooore!