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My boyfriend's head circumfence is 62 cm. That's almost 25 inches. That's the circumfence of a very small person's waist.

As a player of airsoft and a fan of hugh quality outdoors/military surplus clothing, he is on a constant hunt for headgear of the largest possible measurements, because no manufacturer makes a size too big for him. The biggest possible one might be large enough to fit.




I am the same way with hats! I have a hard time finding a hat big enough. Also I like the purple Fox. It is so cute! Have you ever considered having a returning guest character? 😃


I went to a go-kart track as a company outing ten days ago, and everybody must wear a neck brace and helmet. They have racks full of small, medium, and large (and I think extra small, too, though I ignored that end of the rack), then they have one rack with XL and one for XXL (which I immediately went for, without hesitation, and it was snug). Then, off in the corner, there was one lonely helmet labeled "5XL". I presume Blue would find it comfy.


Same. I have learned to fear the words "One size fits most".

pam obv10usly

Pretty much the same with my husband but with shoes. When we got married in Thailand, it was impossible for him to find formal shoes that would fit. We ended up having his shoes tailor-made. That's a first for him. :D


Avid cyclist with 65cm head here. I feel the pain. I've had good experiences buying from https://bighatstore.com/ but they only sell hats, not helmets.


My husband has about that size head, too. And huge feet. Finding things that fit can be hard.


Yep, 62cm head here… and don’t forget the 6’7” tall as well! 🤣

Robin Syl

The third panel made me laugh out loud, thanks


My partner also has the head struggle, I ask for anything that might fit a large 🍉 and heaven forbid that anything knit shrinks the tiniest bit in the wash... I own many "just a bit too big for me, too nice to donate" knit hats. Partner is grumpy every time they lose something to the wash demons.

Charity A. Petrov

My dad was a big guy, so I get it. I also very much relate to Green in this strip - *please* let me trot out the hyperbole! 😁