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Presented by popular request. We are yet to figure out what to do with them - have them melted down and forged into one big, great, handmade sword?




Learn to dual wield and scare the chit out of burglars


While that's a great romantic notion, I rather suspect that if the swords are that bad, they're made of some really crap steel, and the resulting sword, while likely better, would still not be great.


I mean unless you're actually trying to duel with them you could just have them mounted and hang over a fireplace if you have one. They're lovely enough. Sometimes swords are just decorative 😉


Is one shorter than the other? But they don't look too bad...


Yes yes is there a marriage? Or do we have to wait for " strange women lying in ponds distributing swords us no basis for Government. Supreme executive power derives from the masses,not from some faracial aquatic ceremony " first? I mean if I went around saying I was empress just because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me,they'd put me away!" But Monty Python aside is it official now?


I'm imagining a crossed swords hanger, with a new cost of arms in front for you guys incorporating green, blue, and foxes?


Hang them on the wall


Oh nooooo, my fiancé has the exact same sword, hanging on our wall! It’s now part of our lives forever because every time he wanted to move it and position it, he asked me where I thought the best place was, and I kept saying “the trash.”