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I'm pretty sure he has gotten a fit of migraine for being angry without even realising that he was angry, more than once.




This hits home hard. 😢


This is rather familiar to me; Generally I have to be made extraordinarily upset in order to get upset at all, and I daresay most folks I know would suggest I've only gotten angry a few times in my life. But in part that is a complicated relationship with anger. I've only ever seen anger cause problems, damage things, hurt people or weaponized against others, and I've seen the potential I have to do this damage. As such, I only related to it in such a way as to make it feel unsafe to express for fear of causing those other effects, intentional or otherwise. I've learned to route anger as something other than a destructive force, and as such I can feel and cope with it in a healthier way than just ignoring it and trying to let it pass. But that took me a long time to get to that point.


I saw this happened in your country and I thought it might have been Blue https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/r8bzt2/someone_made_a_mistake_and_gas_was_priced_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I'm blue, I can relate with that