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I'm still doing a few "practice comics" before I start on my first big, serious comic project! This is an unrelated one-pager, but the art style would be roughly like this (though this page taught me to Think Before I Act when it comes to huge solid black ink shadows).  The script is 365 pages altogether, divided into ten roughly 36-page chapters. My publishers have shown interest in the project, and it'll likely be published as a 10-album series.

I'm still getting a handle on how to do this kind of style right, so I'm planning to draw the pages of the first album in random order, so the likely development in art style won't be so jarring to a reader.




This is only an one-page practice piece to learn how to draw comic with ink, though I might eventually expand this one into a proper story too!


I am impressed! Please continue to share what you are able to. I look forward to these bits of bonus content.

Robin Syl

There is an amazing amount of story condensed in just one page. Amazing!

Anja Beh

This page is absolutely amazing! Would you mind to tell a bit about your inspiration for it? Is there a certain topic or real quote? Sorry if this is a dumb question, caused by a lack of education 😥! If this is what you do for practice, I'm craving so hard for your project! Massive respect and admiration for your style!


Honestly, the sentence "when you kill a priest, you don't just kill a man" popped into my head out of the blue one day - if I read it somewhere else and my subconscious stored it for later, I have no clue where it's originally from - and this short piece of dialogue kept circling in my head for months before I had the inspiration, motivation and opportunity to sit down and draw this.


I love it!