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Guess what? I'm learning how to draw big, serious comics!

 I'm still an amateur with ink, and this is the first big, serious (or at least trying to be serious) page I've drawn in maybe 10 years, but I've got at least two big, serious comic scripts already finished, that I want to draw myself. But before I start, I wanted to try a few "practice runs" on how to compose a comic page, and for that, I used a piece of dialogue from a comic idea I haven't started or worked on yet.

 The comic idea was to write a story set in 19th century North America, that deliberately includes as many historical details from the time and place that cowboy movies leave out, and doesn't include any of their stereotypical tropes. A Wild West -story that isn't a "western". One of the characters is a finnish woman with an unpronounceable name, who doesn't tolerate nicknames, so everyone just calls her "ma'am".




Wow this looks cool!


This looks amazing and I'm so curious!! 😍


Looks great! Looking forward to more. :)

Francis Cordon

Incredible. Thanks for sharing. Very good!


Great work, I'm stunned


Great work! I'd love to see more in the future. 🙂

Charity A. Petrov

Interesting sample, thanks for sharing! I'm really looking forward to seeing more storytelling from the heart and mind behind Foxes in Love.

Susan Olson

It has the right vintage feel - and I’m just vintage enough to remember!