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I’m fond of geese. They’re stupid, aggressive, full of wrath and completely unspologetic about it. A goose is incapable of shame, embarrassment or remorse - they don’t hold back, it’s full goose mode 24/7. Marvelous.




And you know why they fly in a "V"-formation when heading south? The one in front, the tip of the "V", has to work most, but their wings cause air turbulences which make it easier for the next one to fly. And the next one profits from the turbulence cause by the two in front, and so on. The easiest to fly is for the two geese at the end of the arms of the "V". The strongest goes first, the weakest ones go last, so everyone can follow. And! They take turns. When the first one gets tired, they fall back and someone else takes over the "tip". They probably call out all the time so to know that everyone is there and noone is lost. {Know-it-all mode off}