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There are subjects I avoid in the comics, not due to being touchy in any particular sense, but because of the artistic limits. For example, there are no comics featuring animals other than foxes in order to avoid "furry confusion" - if the protagonists are animals, what are the other animals?

 This rules out one of our favourite hobbies as a subject - birdwatching. City birds are fun animals to watch, and our hometown has plenty of jackdaws. Occasionally when on a walk, we'll bring them something, like seeds or ham scraps. Despite of their evident intelligence, jackdaws can look comically dumb when they chase each other. This was supposed to only be a quick sketch to illustrate how silly they look, but I ended up too happy with how it turned out and added details.




I love this. So much.


We have chickens at home, I love watching them chase each other just like this. Love this.

Nathan Ogden

I loved the jackdaws when I visited Finland

Anja Beh

They are such a pleasure to see. Thank you very much for this!


I'll need to go see jackdaws next time I visit Finland. This looks great!


On my balcony I provide birdfood like sunflower seeds, oat flakes and dried insects. There are a lot of birds coming to visit, blackbirds, titmice in blue and black, chaffines and since a few weeks a pair of pigeons (which I don't like very much, but well, they are hungry, too). I can see what's going on out there from my desk, and most funny is when there are several different birds there, e.g. a blackbird, two chaffinches and a comparatively giant pigeon: they don't eat, but just sit there staring angrily at each other, everyone waiting for all the others to f*ck off.


Oh, now I see who "jackdaws" are (had to look it up, being a nonnative English speaker). I met one of them when I was on vacation in Göteborg (Gothenburg, Sweden), and she was bullied by a gang of pigeons. Since I was having pie, I distracted the pigeons by throwing some crumbs in *one* direction, and while they where busy there, gave a *really* good bit to the jackdaw. She learnd the procedure pretty quickly, just waited until the pigeons had rushed away, then came near my table. I'm even pretty sure that I saw her several times later on my way through the city, following me around.


I love this!! Birds are hilarious, so much fun. I hope you draw more for us from time to time, even if they don't fit into the foxiverse.


This is both fun and really pretty. If you were to start doing art prints, you would have a customer in me. :)