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Morbid thoughts are fun to entertain sometimes.




Every time they find these couple burials and start hypothesizing, I'm imagining the spirits in the Underworld getting so very peeved: "Aaand yet another hetero assumption off the bat! Look at my pelvis, idiots, IS THAT A PELVIS OF A MAN? So I have an armour, and it does not have a boob plate you apparently need to get a grip, but I'm a woman." "FFS--- No, we weren't 'good friends', no, I wasn't her bodyguard or servant. F*** no was I a ritual sacrifice. Mother and daughter? Ewww, no! How hard is this for your brain to understand?" "Lesbians. We were lesbians! L O V E R S. Now say it. Good lad."


Maybe I'm morbid, but I talk to my husband about death, dying and what to do with my dead body fairly regularly. It may have something to do with having to arrange a number of family funerals at a young age. I don't want my husband to be stressed out about having to make decisions. Nor do I want him susceptible to pushy funeral home directors trying to up sell him expensive funeral arrangements. Dealing with the death of family member is bad enough without having to deal with pushy salesmen while feeling you have to "do right" by your loved and not knowing what your loved one wanted because you never talked about it.