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I swear this is a real thing they do.




My husband worked at a restaurant that, when they wanted more customers, would start sautéing garlic in olive oil. Nothing else in the pan. When that scent made it outside, invariably they'd fill a table or two.


I'm a big fan of this post.


Yes, we do this on purpose. There was no big fan involved though, but I like that one! Instead, my boss got the outlet of the bakery’s oven installed on the street side, so every time we were baking something people would walk in for a coffee with fresh pastry.

Francis Cordon

Hah! We’ve said this many times!! Good one!!


There is a chain of bakeries called "Cinnabon" that makes HUGE cinnamon rolls, usually located in the food courts of malls. They do, in fact, blow the scent out into the halls. It works. They're good.

North Grizz

Fish and chip shops in Britain work the same way. If you walk by and smell those fresh chips you get hungry.


I love that comic!