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I write poetry sometimes, and a friend suggested I should share them with you. When I was younger I wrote poetry sometimes, thinking maybe I'll become a poet and have them published one way or another. It was before I met my Blue, and the love letters that I wrote became comics with foxes in them.



Francis Cordon

This is beyond Beautiful. I mean truly deeply beautiful 🙏🏽


Thank you for sharing these - I trust you know how much joy you bring so many people with your art, be it written poetry or drawn. Also, just out of curiosity: Did you always create in English, or are these translations of the originals? I wondered, since you mentioned you were younger when you expressed yourself in writing.


I’ve written in both finnish and english - me and my sister were raised somewhat bilingual, neither of out parents was a native speaker but they both worked somewhat-internationally, and there was no reason not to teach us too. I’ve got some unfinished book drafts that are 100% in finnish, though, and I wouldn’t want to translate them myself.