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This has been due for a while, the little extra security that all of you have been able to provide has made a world of difference, enabling me to take the risk and go study something that I actually suit for, get into a better place in life, and now to fund healing from my lifelong depression. It has meant the world for me and I can't thank you all enough.




Your comics are so full of emotion and always brighten my day. You're doing great!


Usually, the ones I’m wary of posting, ones that aren’t simply happy but sad, scared or angry, are also the ones that people seem to love most. High risk, high reward.


Thank you for your beautiful work. Go stalk and hunt down and violently maul and shake and rip to pieces those imbecilic saddening thoughts that make us less than what we are — depressed. Wow. Foxes are dangerous little creatures. 💅


Thank *you* for being here for *us*!


I’m seeing different therapists right now to see who is a good fit, I had an appointment on thursday, and two next week!


💜💜💜! I look forward to seeing your comics every time I get a notification. I'm glad we patrons can help bring some support to your life when you bring so many good things (joy, hope, and not feeling so alone in our struggles among them) to ours. One fox to another, therapy is made a huge difference in starting to outwit my darkness. I hope it brings the same relief to yours!


Hopefully! I never planned to draw foxes for a living, they became a lucky side project when I didn’t have the energy to do much else (that’s why they’re so simple!), maybe I can branch out to more complex art and comics once I’m better.


It takes courage to start down that path. *applause*


YAY!!!! ♥♥♥


It’s not easy, but it’s worth it.


Very happy we're able to help return the joy you're helping us find again. Really proud of yourself for getting help. Sometimes asking for help is the hardest part and you are absolutely worth it :)


And I've got four more dates with potential therapists before deciding which one would suit me best!


To be honest I should have gotten help 10 years ago, but there were obstacles in life that didn't make it possible.


Ahhh this is the best, I'm so so glad to hear it.