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My grandmother was a refugee in the last war fought in Finland, from the area Soviet Union ended up taking. Her whole family fled across the country, but we did not grow up with the scars of the former Soviet Block on us. People talk about the Winter War as a glorious success, but nobody is allowed to forget that war is a hideous thing, and always a last resort.

I’ve been watching the events in Hong Kong, powerless to really do anything but watch. When given a chance at freedom, people will risk their lives to grasp it. It’s beautiful that they do, but horrid that they must.




Well said. I'm Finnish too, and my paternal grandfather was from the Karelian Isthmus and his family had to leave Karealia, they settled in Riihimäki. By the way, I started following your wonderful comic before I knew you were Finnish, and it was a delightful surprise to find out that you were! You're very talented, and Blue and Green are very sweet and funny.


I guess it's not that big of a country! Nice coincidence though. Tajusin muuten nyt vasta, että olipa hassua kommentoida tätä postausta englanniksi...


Well drawn and well said. I didn't know you were from Finland. For some reason I just assume everyone on the internet is from America. Which is weird because I am European.