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Hi, lovelies! 💜

As a celebration for my 1st YouTube anniversary, I wrote a new miniseries! Right now I've only finished part 1 and I'm hoping I can record tonight, so I can publish it asap. My 1-year anniversary will be on the 14th so I hope I can make it til then. Here's a sneak peak on the script I wrote! 💜 Oh and this will be a slice-of-life themed audio, like my usual~

And I have a little summary for you guys! The story is about Vivian, a woman in her mid-30s who was recently dumped by her ex-fiancé. Heartbroken but determined to move on and find more opportunities, she decides to go on a little vacation to unwind and get some fresh air. She stumbled upon an odd hotel that just randomly popped up in her recommendations while searching for a place. There, she meets the listener, a professional cuddler who currently works for the hotel to help people de-stress and give company to those who need it. They get along quite well on their first encounter.. and sure enough, they soon develop feelings for each other~

The story isn't finished YET as I'm thinking of the plot while writing so I haven't thought of any ending yet. This is what I came up with so far.. If you guys have any ideas, suggestions, etc.. Feel free to comment them down below! :) Let me know if you guys liked it! 💜

Also, I'm not sure but I'm also thinking of making a spicy episode for this miniseries, who knows? (ㆁωㆁ)

Stay tuned~ Hehe, stay safe lovelies! (*˘︶˘*).。*♡




Ooh I like the plot for this one! I've really missed the miniseries so I'm happy to see another one is coming soon :D


Definitely looking forward to this one :D