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In case you guys were wondering why you haven't been billed yet, I had no idea that the up-front charge feature was supposed to be manually turned on. I thought it was automatic haha XD :( I'm so sorry about that. I just noticed it last night when I was looking through my earnings cause I saw that someone had discontinued/deleted their pledge and I was wondering why they weren't charged for anything. I looked it up and viola! I didn't have it turned on. I'm so sorry about that, rookie mistake haha ;-; Anyway I just wanted to give you guys a heads up since I turned it on, you might be billed or charged on the 1st of February and every 1st of the month from now on. Not sure though if I understood it correctly... Either that or you'll be charged after a month since you pledged, for those who already pledged prior to me turning the feature on. Anyhow, thanks for reading! <3 Stay safe!


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