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A bit of everything this week, with some little backstory for Kendo and Masaru, Hanako hidden sex times, and some main story progress!

I missed the Kendo x Mary pair. I really did.

They are fun to write. They have this fun chemistry that lets them be playful while also playing up the corruption vibe. And Satoshi is, I believe, pretty integral to keeping that vibe going... for as long as it'll last.

As you can see here, we are nearing the endgame of Hanako's story. Hanako has pretty much undergone all the development she needs, so now all she needs is to show it off in a grand manner. While the sex scene this time was fun, I was more excited about the little bits of backstory I got to write. Masaru's issue with Kendo is clearer, and we even got to see their past selves! (Look, I really tried with the models. I think Masaru's is nice, but Kendo needs a little more work.)

Also, there's the introduction of sorts of a certain character in that flashback. I spent a bunch of time this week working out the specifics of Kendo's backstory, finally, so we'll see more of that in the coming weeks.

That's all for now! Next week, more Arato!

Have a nice week!

v 0.4.11-early contains:

  • New Hanako story content.
  • New Hanako sex scene (divided in 2 in the gallery).
  • New Kendo route main story scene.
  • 70+ new CGs/renders (including variations)
  • 25+ new animation/videos (including variations).
  • 11k+ words of dialogue and narration.
  • Max Manly Level is now 65.


The King of Summer v0.4.11-early (PC and Linux):

The King of Summer v0.4.11-early (Mac):

The King of Summer v0.4.11-early (Android):

*Android links added




Android version coming tomorrow morning.