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Hey there! These weeks I have been focusing entirely on Natsuki, to the delight of several of you I hear.

The full update for Beloved Patrons and above is doing well for a release this upcoming Monday... although there are a couple things I need to mention first.

The update contains the Natsuki h-scene released in the early release (for Dandy Patrons), and yet another Natsuki scene that follows right after. That's 2 scenes, that while each of a decent length, it's still a tad of a smaller update than usual.

This is because this week I learned I need to make a sudden 1-week trip, starting this weekend. Meaning I won't have that week to develop. In fact, preparing for that trip and everything involved with it has limited my dev time for the past 2 weeks.

This doesn't mean the release is gonna be delayed... not yet, at least. But I limited the amount of scenes based on the time I had available. So, once again, there's no delay planned for v 0.4.4-full. There is a possibility that 0.4.5-early (for Dandy Patrons and above) might be late 1 or 2 days, but that's about it.

I don't want to deal with another 1-week delay if I can help it...

So yeah, I just wanted to be transparent with you guys. Once I'm back from my trip, I'll make another one of those Content Roadmaps. I'll also schedule the last remaining Halloween posts/wallpapers to release during that week (a month late, but better late than never!). A little something to make up for my absence.

Thanks once again for your support! I seriously wouldn't have as much time OR motivation to work on this if it wasn't for your continuous interest.

Have a nice weekend!



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