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Report from Satoshi, after tracking down the notorious killer witch:

"I went back after all. I spent so long tracking her down... I just couldn't get her out of my head.

And she was waiting for me. Certain that I was the one.

Half-dressed in her ritual gowns, the witch pointed me to the altar.

We were to make love under the watch of her God, in order to be truly One.

And... when we were about to do it... I chickened out. I just couldn't.

I mean, having sex in order to please her fantasies of some pagan God? No, no way, no way in hell.

But... But maybe I really was her One and Only...

I couldn't sleep wondering what she'd do, what atrocities she'd commit, how many more people she'd try to hunt down in order to make up for lost time.

Turns out... someone was there, taking care of that which I couldn't."


I should incorporate gloves as part of costumes more often. A naked girl who's only wearing gloves and/or thighs really does it for me.

Tomorrow, Rin and Hanako!



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