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Hey everyone!

Early release is going to be a bit late this week. It'll come out sometime during Tuesday, so if you're planning to upgrade your tier for it, please wait until then.

The weekend sadly had some unexpected setbats that didn't allow me much time to dev.

Also, the scope of this week's content kinda got out of hand... What was going to be a single Arato route scene turned into 3: one for setting up, one for build-up, and one for the sex itself. Fun stuff! But a lot, and I still need to finish the sex part.

In the meantime, have a little look at what's coming in it.

Have a nice week!

EDIT: Alright, release closer to 1 PM EST, due to reasons beyond my control. I hate to delay things, but I'd rather be honest about it.




Alright, release closer to 1 PM EST, due to reasons beyond my control. I hate to delay things, but I'd rather be honest about it.


...Its wednesday already...:-)