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Hi everyone,

What questions would you like to hear about in the next episode?

Do you want to know how James says chocolate yogurt?

Would you like to hear about the worst hobby disasters we have made?

Have you ever wondered what it's like to try and paint with your less skilled hand?

Make sure to leave your comments below!

Ed, Siege Team



Hi team, I’d like to know your thoughts on the best way to paint the Sons of Horus colour scheme by brush using Lupercal and sons of Horus green (not airbrush!). Second question, the only location in my apartment to do airbrushing is in the storage cage in the car park but it has no power points. Any advice on whether a portable airbrushing set up is viable?


The question I would ask is, if you had very limited time and a lot of models to paint (for me, 74 models in a month with only weekends and the odd evening to work in) which techniques would you use to give you the best possible looking army in the shortest possible time Also how would you approach a project like that. What size of batches would you paint in


Hi guys, hope this is a acceptable question. I have a proper bee in me bonnet about learning NMM practically steel/blue steel. I understand the theory behind it (I think) ,but fail miserably in executing it. So may I ask how do you guys approach/produce your NMM steel?


Having only painted 28mm scale mm models I have recently got a couple of 75mm figure and bust to have a go at, do you guys have any tips for painting larger scale models ?


Hello guys, I was wondering how to create texture on models? I was looking at David Sopers models in particular which seem to have such depth, like his recently painted Kastelan.


If you guys could pick a different Space Marine Chapter to paint, without thinking about loyalty, gameplay or rules, which would you go for? Can't be one you've already painted!


Where's a good place to find AoS amd 40k lore? Any books/videos/podcasts/websites you'd recommend?


Hi Martin, Which army in particular are you painting to help give us some reference on how to advise you. Cheers, Ed


It's the French army from the warlord Waterloo starter set. I've almost completed but will be starting all over again as we've ordered 1 each.


Besides Golden Demon and Iron skull, what other competitions are there?


Hey guys! Painting a custom Space Marine chapter and the colour schemes main armour colour is orange. I've opted to try a more metallic orange and so apply Citadel Contrast paint Gryph-Hound Orange over a layer of Stormhost Silver. My question is how would you go about applying edge highlights to this? I've tried using Fire Dragon Bright and Lugganath Orange but they either are not noticeable or stand out way to much.


Hi Harrison, this is a great question and I'll carry it over to the next episode of the podcast! Ed, Siege Team