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Welcome to this week's tutorial!

We've decided to kick off a series of Power Armour here, launching it with Red Blood Angels power armour. 

Remember, if you have any questions use the comments section below or you can reach us on our Discord which you all have access to. 

To download the PDF, click the file link below this article.

And as always - lastly and most importantly... happy painting and make share your results with us!

- Simon, Siege Team

To access the PDF, use the password: SIEGE1118




Thank you, this is good to see as it was buying a copy of space hulk that git me into painting (it's still unpainted). Two questions, I dont have an airbrush, do I need to blend on the mephiston red? Also, if I wanted to go more fr a 90s look with a vibrant bright red how would I adjust the colours?


Hi Jason, There is certainly a workaround for this one dude. You can certainly use a brush to follow the layers in the pdf guide. Then to increase that intensity you could make a glaze using something like Troll Slayer orange and apply it to the upper parts of your armour. We have an awesome video guide to blending and glazing that should be right up your street! Let us know how you get on 👍 Simon - Siege Team