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Day one:

Ring Ring...Ring Ring...Beep!

Steven sighed as he hit the snooze button on his phone, pulling it under the covers with him to check the time. 7:00AM on the 1st of December. Time to get things ready. The 19 year old kicked the covers off of him, shivering as the coldness of the room hit him like a punch to the gut, before sitting up in bed, looking across to his roommate who was snoring peacefully in his sleep. It was quite possibly the last christmas the two would be spending together, with Tom in his last year of living on the University campus with Steven, so he wanted to make it special.

Steven stood up and stretched, letting out a massive yawn. His orange hair was a complete mess as he went into the bathroom to splash some cold water on his face, so he ran a comb through it quickly to make it look neater. Along with a quick shave, he was ready to start the day, minus the lack of clothes, but that can wait until later.

Completely freeballing, he walked back into the bedroom and gently rocked Tom back and forth, the 21 year old letting out grunts of annoyance as he was roused from his sleep. "mmmph... Five more minutes..." Tom mumbled, burying his face into the pillow. Steven chuckled, "No can do Tommie, I have plans involving you and me~." He replied crypticly.

Tom opened one eye and looked to his partner through his long brown hair, "Plans? What plans?" Steven just winked mischeviously in reply. Unsatisfied, Tom closed his eyes again and tried to go back to sleep.

Steven sighed and stood back up, "I tried to play nice." With a swift motion, he had grabbed the covers and hoisted it clean off the bed, leaving Tom naked, except for a pair of skimpy red briefs, which did little to hide his toned, atheletic frame. "Heyyy!" Tom whined and curled up in a ball as Steven stood back with a satisfied grin, "Get up you lazy bum, it's the first day of December!"

Tom pouted a little as he sat up in bed, shivering, "Jerk.. I hope your plans don't involve sex, because I'm completely exhausted after last night!" Steven laughed, his nakedness certainly eluded to that, he guessed, "Nahh, I'll tell you once you're dressed."

With that, the pair began slipping their clothes on. Tom, after slipping out of the red briefs, chose to go for a pair of Christmas themed snowflake underwear, with "Let It Snow" on the waistband, along with his usual sagging jeans, tight white t-shirt that was practically see-through to his well toned muscles, and a black leather jacket.

Steven went for a pair of jet black boxer-briefs, with dark blue tracksuit trousers and a Superman t-shirt. Together with his black, thick-rimmed glasses, it was easy to mistake the two for having a typical jock/nerd relationship, minus the underwear choices. Little did most people know...

The pair quickly made themselves a breakfast in the shared kitchen they had inside the Student accomodation and headed out, trudging through some light snow as they talked about various things, Steven leading Tom by his hand towards the location Steven had planned, keeping all silent about it as to bring out the surprise.

A mere five minute walk from the University Campus was a country park, where several small orchards lay. They were not owned by anyone, which meant that anyone could go into them and pick at the various fruits, or play in the branches if they wished! "Come on, in here!" Steven smiled brightly as he dragged Tom through into the Pear Tree orchard.

Steven watched Tom looking around confused, "Why're we here?" He asked, as Steven went into the middle of the orchard and began digging around as he explained, "Well.. I know it's your last year at Uni, and I'm gonna miss you a ton.. So I wanted to make this last Christmas together memorable."

Tom must have really taken it to heart, as Steven felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and get a hug from behind, "I'm gonna miss you too Stevie. So what did you have in mind?" Tom asked, Steven feeling a pair of eyes looking over his shoulder as he pulled out what he had been searching for, a long length of rope.

"Well, I was thinking we could do the twelve days of Christmas, like the song, only do the twelve days of Wedgiemas?" Steven grinned as he turned around, holding back a laugh as he saw Tom pale and blush at the same time, an impressive combination!

"Y-You're kidding, right?" Tom asked, embarrassed, "Can you even do that?" Steven nodded, "Yup, even figured out the song lyrics! Don't worry, I know it'll be as good for you as it will be for me." He winked, causing Tom to blush more. After a while of consideration, Tom eventually agreed and Steven quickly got to work.

Following orders, Tom stood underneath the largest Pear Tree and allowed Steven to pull down his jeans to just below his butt so the legholes were easier to grab. With skillful ease, Steven looped one end of the rope through the back of the briefs and tied a tight knot through it, pulling up to test the knot as well as to give Tom a small, snug wedgie, much to Tom's delight and humiliation.

The nerdy dominant then tossed the other end of the rope over a thick branch of the Pear Tree and grabbed it as it came back down, getting ready to pull up. "Are you ready, Tommie?" Steven asked innocently, calling Tom again by his pet name. Tom gave a thumbs up, his other hand down by his crotch to prepare for the incoming pressure it was about to recieve.

With a grunt, Steven began pulling on the rope, using all of his strength to yank at it in one long pull! Tom moaned as he felt his briefs invade his bubble butt, splitting apart his cheeks and forming a thick thong between them, as slowly but surely he was lifted off the ground, falling forward as his feet left the ground due to his top-heavy muscles, leaving him almost horizontal with the ground!

Steven kept pulling until Tom was three or four feet off the ground before wrapping it back around the tree and tying it off tightly back onto the branch, before walking around to Tom's tomato red face. "Having fun?" He asked with a cute smile, kissing Tom on the forehead as he saw Tom give another thumbs up, keeping silent as he usually did when the two played around, save for the moanings of course.

"One last thing." Steven stepped back and pulled out his phone, lifting it up and pointing the camera at Tom, "I want you to sing the first line of The Twelve Days of Christmas, but with the twist you've been given!" Tom shook his head quickly, not wanting to talk in his wedgie, let alone sing! Steven eye rolled, "Tommie, if you do this I promise I'll make it worth it tonight."

Steven couldn't help but chuckle as he saw his partner's eyes light up and nod his head quickly. Steven began recording the scene; Tom hanging there by his snow-print briefs, face facing the camera but was sunk down low enough that his behind was pointed up in the air, exposing how deep his wedgie was. His jeans, usually sagging to begin with, had slipped down to his knees, exposing more of the wedgie for the camera to enjoy, though Steven took care to leave it to the imagination what was going on in the front of those briefs.

After giving the cue, Tom looked to the camera and sang in an adorably high-pitched voice, "For the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a hanging wedgie from a Pear Tree~!"

Day Two:

"Tom, what are you complaining about? We've done this plenty of times before!" Steven frowned as he knelt down next to the bed, looking to Tom in confusion. The jock was laid spread eagle on the bed, rope attached to each corner post, ready to be connected to his wrists and ankles, but for some reason Tom was being stubborn today.

"B-Because you're gonna be filming it this time! I'm not too sure I want that..." Tom replied, embarrassed. Steven sighed, "I've already explained to you Tommie, it's just the end result I'm going to be filming! I don't have a tri-pod anyway so how would I be able to film you and perform at the same time? Do I look like I'm doing a TV and Film course to you? Don't answer that." Steven added quickly, looking down at his Pulp Fiction T-shirt.

Tom pouted, his anxiousness obvious even to a complete idiot, "I know, but still..." Steven sighed again and reached over, taking Tom by the cheeks and surprised him by kissing him smack on the lips for a good minute, before pulling away and looking at his partner dead in the eye, "Do you trust me?" He asked. Tom nodded slowly, a rosy red tint on his cheeks. "Then relax and let me do all the work." Steven replied cheerily.

Steven smiled as Tom spread himself back out on the bed, naked from the waist up, his jeans slipping down a little to reveal the waistband of a pair of green briefs. Tempting, but they wouldn't be the main focus this time. Steven quickly got to work, tying up Tom's ankles and wrists to the bed corners, leaving him spread out open on the bed, but not uncomfortably so. Steven finished the touch with a black blindfold which he slipped over Tom's head, leaving him blind to anything but touch, sound and smell.

"You know, if someone came in and saw us doing this, we'd probably be suspected of doing some hardcore BDSM shit.." Tom mumbled with a smile. Steven laughed, "Yeah, probably! I'll just say 'nonono, just a small amount of bondage, nothing too big.'"

Tom laughed as well and tested his bonds a little as he got comfortable. The mood lighter then it had been, Steven stood up and climbed onto the bed, sitting down onto Tom's stomach, making Tom breath in a bit in surprise, "Could have warned me, you're hardly light you know.." "Shush, or I'll gag your mouth as well." Steven replied semi-jokingly, smirking as Tom shut his mouth tightly in response.

"Okay, prepare yourself!" Steven said, reaching down and gently rubbing his cold fingers across Tom's warm pink nipples, watching him gasp and squirm a little under his cold touch with delight, before he gripped them tightly, "Three.. Two.. Oneee.." He quickly twisted the nipples in opposite directions, causing Tom to tense up and squeal loudly. Not letting up, Steven quickly twisted them in the other direction, feeling the nipples harden under his torture of them.

"Steveeen..." Tom whimpered quietly as Steven continued twisting the nippled to and fro, ignoring his lover's cries as he paused to rest his hands for a few seconds before gripping them again, sometimes twisting them quickly, sometimes slowly, in the same direction or in opposite directions, always leaving Tom guessing what he was going to do next.

Steven paused for a second and leant down next to Tom's ear before whispering, "Enjoying, my dear?" Steven watched Tom's cheeks go into a permenant red blush as he nodded quickly. Steven grinned, "Good, now let me hear your voice more~" He whispered again before moving down and gently nipping at Tom's nipples with his mouth, eliciting more squeals from the jock beneath him.

After ten minutes of nearly non-stop nipple twisting, Tom's poor nipples were purple in the middle, dark red around the edges and very sore, tender to the touch. Tom himself was sweating and panting, the constant squirming in his bindings and loud moanings making him exhausted. A quick scan of the front of Tom's jeans however let Steven know that he enjoyed every second of his torment.

Steven smiled and gave a gentle rub to each nipple to sooth them, making Tom sigh in relief, before grabbing his phone by the side of the bed. "You know what to do next." He smiled and hit record, pointing down at Tom; Spread eagle on the bed, arms tied up above him, blindfolded, red faced and red nippled, sweat glistening off of his well toned body and breathing heavily as he sang out in a shaky voice, "F-For the second day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me, t-two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie from a pear tree~"

Day Three

"Stevie, I'm not sure about this..." Steven looked up from the bed as he heard Tom's voice from the locked bathroom, getting himself ready for the next 'gift'. "What do you mean?" He asked, standing up as the bathroom door opened. Steven had to hold back laughter as Tom exited the bedroom, wearing just 3 pairs of tighty whities. They were clearly several sizes too small, making most of Tom's butt hang out on either side of the legholes, as well as squeezing his crotch uncomfortably tight, though that might have had to do with something else.

"I mean I feel kinda silly in this.." Tom replied with a blush, his hands meekly covering his crotch to hide that little problem. Steven waved away the worries with a smile, "You look exactly like you're meant to, a little nerd ready for the wedgies he so desparately needs, and craves~." He assured, making his boyfriend blush more. "Come on then nerd, I'm waiting."

Steven tapped his foot as he stood in the middle of the room, Tom slowly shuffling forward, "Sorry Mr. Jock." The irony was not lost on the pair and they both giggled for a second before getting back into character. Steven began walking around Tom, tugging at the triple waistbands and letting them snap teasingly, watching Tom jump in response. Steven went around the back and let out a surprised gasp. On the waistband, written in clear, black marker pen was the name 'Tommie'. Steven didn't ask for that to be added, so Tom must have done it himself.

Seizing the oppertunity, Steven went into full verbal attack mode, "What's this, nerd? You have your name on your little underoos, how cute! Did your mum do that for you~?" He asked, watching Tom from behind as he nodded quickly, "Y-Yessir!" Steven grinned, "Well then, it seems that you're through and through 100% a nerd! Isn't that right?" "Yes sir!" "And what do nerds deserve?" Steven reached forward and pulled the waistbands back to grab at the innermost pair of tighty whities, holding the fabric as Tom answered, "They deserve wedgies!"

"Beg me to give you one." Steven grinned, teasingly lifting and lowering the waistband repeatedly, letting the legholes get pulled up a tiny bit, but not enough to really make Tom feel the wedgie. "Please Sir, give me a wedgie! I'm a tighty whitey wearing nerd who deserves to have his underwear ripped off him!" Tom begged quickly. Steven snorted, "How cliche of you." Tom looked back with a glare, "Next time you think of something you bast-AAAAARGH!" Tom's rant was halted by the sudden pressure of his tiny tighty whities rocketing up his behind, curtousy of Steven!

"Did I hear you talking back to me, nerd? That calls for an extra special series of wedgies!" Steven grinned as he lifted the waistband up and up with difficulty, the tightness of the briefs making it hard to really make the wedgie stretch high, but Tom certainly was feeling it by the moans and yelps he was making. As soon as the legholes were visible, Steven swapped his grip, moving his hands so instead of pulling up he was doing more of a push on the briefs, making it much easier for him to get the briefs up high!

"How's the wedgie feel, nerd?" Steven asked as he continued the onslaught on the briefs, already having them up to his mid-back. Tom quickly answered in one, simple word, "Tight!" Steven couldn't blame him, the tiny whities were already ball crushing, a wedgie must make it feel like his balls were being stepped on. Not that that stopped Steven from bringing the pain!

Eventually, Steven heard a tearing noise coming from the waistband and Steven began yanking rhythmicly, tug.. tug.. tug.. tug.. each sharp pull making a small hole in the middle of the briefs get bigger and bigger until finally the waistband was all but detached from the rest of the underwear, which Steven was then easily able to lift over Tom's head and snap down onto his forehead, "ta-da!"

Tom's face was once again bright red, his name flat against his head via the waistband, the rest of the briefs well up his butt and a good amount above the front as well, which Steven was only too happy to point out and laugh at. "Alright nerd, time for wedgie number two!" Steven grinned, reaching back again and grabbing the middle pair of briefs, not giving a warning again before yanking them up high, making Tom swear loudly in surprise and pain.

Thankfully for Tom, the fabric already up his butt provided 'some' cover for the second ripping wedgie, but it was a wedgie nonetheless, and with each tug Steven found his partner submitting to him more and more, even sticking his butt out to make it easier for the briefs to go up his butt, much to Steven's delight. Soon enough Steven had a second waistband up and over Tom's head, this time bringing it down to just below Tom's nose.

"Okay nerd, final wedgie before I get you to do my homework." Steven grinned, walking around to the front of Tom, "Let's hear you beg one last time~." Tom gave a little eye roll which was quickly punished by a slap to the balls before he spoke up, "Please sir give me this last wedgie! I'll be a good little nerd I swear, and I'll do all your homework afterwards!"

"Exactly what I like to hear." Steven snickered, and grabbed the front of the final pair of briefs, Tom's eyes widening as Steven gave them a firm yank on the waistband, "MELVIN!" Tom squealed in pain and brought his knees together at the sudden melvin, not that it helped much. Now wedgieing the outer pair it was much easier for Steven to pull as hard as he could to maximize rippage, and maximize the number of yelps coming from Tom!

With a very loud RIIIIIP! Tom's briefs gave up completely, ripping the briefs apart completely through the legholes, the waistband still entact. Tom gasped in mild relief, his balls still squished and butt still burning due to the two previous wedgies. Steven, with much joy, lifted the torn briefs up Tom's body and let them down onto his neck, like an extremely dorky necklace!

"How was that, my dear?" Steven asked, breaking character as he gave Tom a quick hug. Tom returned it with a wide smile, "My buttcrack feels like someone's poured hot sauce over it, and my balls feel completely flattened, but apart from that, great!" "Excellent!" Steven broke the hug and grabbed his phone once again, pointing it at Tom, "You know the drill."

Much to Steven's amusement, Tom decided to do a quick spin for the camera, showing off his deep double wedgie, and the waistband stretching up over his head, still latched onto his forehead and nose, along with his necklace of ripped tighty whities, all three had his name clearly written for the camera to see, as Tom sang out like an angel, "On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, three ripped tighty whities, two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie on a pear tree!"

Day four

"Hurry up Tom, I don't want the weather to be against us today!" Steven smiled, looking behind at Tom carrying a blanket and several bags containing food and drink. "I know I know, I'm coming!" Tom replied as the pair walked along into the park. For the first time in a while, the sun had replaced the snow, and aside from the few patches of slush here and there, it was a relatively pleasant day, and Steven wanted to celebrate this with a nice picnic, along with the next line of gifts!

"Why won't you tell me what it is I'm getting today?" Tom asked as they entered the park, passing the large playground and moving to an area next to a large oak tree in the middle of the park. Steven wagged his finger as he turned around, "Now now Tommie, if I told you what you were getting, it wouldn't be much of a surprise, would it?" Tom nodded his head after a few moments, "I guess you're right.."

Tom put down the bags and opened up the blanket as Stevn walked behind him, waiting until he had thrown the Blanket up in the air before reaching forward and gripping the sides of Tom's trousers, yanking them down to his ankles in a flash, as before Tom knew what had happened, he was standing there with his trousers around his ankles and his briefs on display, a novelty design of Santa's rear end on the butt, and his face blushing red plastered on the front. Steven laughed loudly as Tom dropped the blanket in surprise and bent over to pull his trousers back up, "Ahahahaha, I'll never get over seeing those briefs of yours! It's almost as silly as that thong you bought on a dare last year."

Tom turned around to glare at Steven, his face as red as Santa's as he covered his underwear once again, "I seem to remember that thong lasting about a day before you decided to give me a hanging wedgie with it." Steven grinned and laid out the blanket himself before the couple sat down, bringing out the food and drinks and beginning to eat, "Absolutely worth it."

The picnic was a perfect way to get out of the University life and just relax for a while, as the two talked for nearly an hour about music, video games and sport, along with what Tom will do after he left Uni, although that topic was dropped quickly after they both felt themselves getting rather sad about being separated in the near future.

While they were talking, Tom stood up and stretched from being curled up next to Steven for so long, and that gave Steven a perfect oppertunity to strike a second time, reaching up and pantsing Tom once again, only getting them about half way down before Tom realised and pulled them back up, not before a couple walking by saw and giggled to themselves, making Tom even more embarrassed, "You bastard.. I can't take my eyes off you for a second can I?" Tom eye rolled as he sat down. Steven shook his head with a toothy grin, pulling Tom close to him, "Nooope, and I don't want you to either~"

Tom smirked, "Well I think it's high time you got a taste of your own medicine!" He reached underneath Steven's shirt and began rubbing his cold fingers along Steven's warm belly, making Steven squeal and giggle as he was tickled, "Oh no you don't!" He yelled out in between breaths and quickly returned the tickling, going for Tom's stomach too. Soon the pair were rolling around the blanket tickling each other, laughing like children as they each tried to pin the other down. Soon enough however, Tom's overall strength won the battle and Steven found himself pinned down onto the blanket, looking up at Tom's face as his long hair fell down around him.

"You look quite cute from this angle." Tom grinned, bending down and kissing Steven on the lips. Steven smiled, "And you look dominant from this one, for once." "Maybe tonight will be the time I take over in bed then." Tom teased, pretending to thrust into Steven as for the first time in a while, Steven was the one blushing red, "You wish! You couldn't top me even if you tried." Tom laughed and rolled off of Steven, "Yeah yeah I know, you've 'trained' me too well, right?" Steven nodded, sitting up, "Hell yeah! You're like an obedient puppy now."

Tom snorted and stood up, pulling Steven up with him, "You wish. Come on then, lets get everything packed up and lets go." Steven nodded and soon enough they had everything packed up and ready to go, as Steven began walking in the opposite direction of where they came from. Tom raised an eyebrow as he followed behind Steven, but his motives became clear as they reached an entrance. This would take them around the outskirts of the park through a pathway, completely covered on both sides so no one was able to see what was happening inside unless they went in. Although it was usually reserved for couples wanting to admire the pretty flowers along the pathway, Steven had other ideas.

Once they had stepped inside, Steven stopped Tom and pantsed him once more, this time ordering Tom to step out of his trousers altogether, which he was reluctant to do until an encouraging smack on his behind made him comply. Steven grinned as he rolled up the trousers and put them into one of the empty bags, "I'll keep this for a while I think~." Tom huffed, putting on an annoyed face although his crotch betrayed his real feelings as always and began to step forward, but Steven halted him again. Putting the bag down, Steven ran his fingers along the waistband of the novelty briefs and tucked Tom's oversized shirt into it, making sure Santa was completely visible to anyone who happened to be walking through at the same time.

Satisfied, Steven picked up the bag containing Tom's trousers and grinned, "Okay, lets go!" The pair walked along in silence, Tom looking around nervously for any other signs of human activity. Every time a voice in the distance was heard, he would beg Steven for his trousers but Steven just shook his head and told him no. The entire five minute walk must have been incredibly nerve-wracking for Tom as he was shaking by the time they reached the exit. Feeling slightly bad, Steven gave Tom back his trousers and let him pull them up, offering a hug as apology.

Tom hugged Steven tightly, "This is almost as bad as that time you stole my trunks while we were at the beach." He mumbled, making Steven laugh as he remembered that event, "Wasn't that the first time you gave me a revenge wedgie too?" Tom nodded as Steven added, "Don't lie though, the sex afterwards was amazing." "I will not lie, I will merely be shady with the truth." Tom giggled, the nervousness dying away as they talked.

Once Tom felt better, Steven began walking forward, planning on recording the video at the University, when Tom coughed behind him, Steven hearing the familiar sound of trousers being pulled off. As he turned around, his eyes widened at Tom, once again pantsed, with his legs spread out and bent over, Tom looking through his legs with a smile, "Think this'll look cute for the camera?"

"...God I love you so much." Steven smiled brightly, pulling out his phone and filming Tom looking underneath his Santa Claus-butted briefs, singing out, "On the fourth day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me, Four public pantsings, Three ripped tighty whities, two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie from a pear tree~!"

Day five

"Don't. Stop. Me. Nooow, I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball~" Steven sang along to his ipod on the side while he was taking his shower. Very few things in this world made Steven break his toughness and act like a typical nerd, and Queen was one of them. And maybe ABBA when after he had one too many coffees.

Another day, another present to give to Tom. It was becoming a regular part of their Christmas break now, one day to relax and let Tom heal up, one day of wedgies, humiliations and a very horny make-out session that night. One would almost call it a perfect relationship. Steven would at least, and that was all that mattered!

The 'nerd' whistled cheerily as he exited the shower and covered himself up with a towel, stepping out into the bedroom to see Tom scrolling through web pages on the internet. Curious, Steven stepped over and giggled when he saw Tom was reading wedgie stories posted online. "Having fond memories are we?" He teased as Tom looked back and nearly jumped at seeing Steven so close to him.

"Shut uup, it's funny to see what people have been writing while I've been getting the real thing~" Tom retorted, smiling as he stood up and hugged his near-naked boyfriend. "What you got for me today then, love?"

"Hmmm, I dunno, have you been behaving enough to get a present this time?" Steven joked, pretending to think about it. Tom pouted, "Damn right I have! I'm always well behaved." Steven laughed and reached up to pat Tom's forehead like a dog, "I know you are~! strip down and we'll get started!"

Obediently, Tom stripped to his briefs, a raunchy pair of nearly see-through whities, letting nothing be missed. Steven licked his lips and reached around the jock, using one hand to massage his butt while the other massaged his crotch, making Tom moan and squirm in spite of himself.

After a few minutes of having fun, Steven finally stopped and grabbed the back of the briefs by the waistband, "You know that thing called a lovers wedgie that feels really great to girls? Here's the guy version of it." Incredibly gently, Steven began sloooowly pulling upwards on the briefs, letting it slide gently in between Tom's buttcheeks, slowly disappearing between them as the waistband moved upwards. He couldn't see from behind but judging by the muffled moans Tom was making he was biting his lip, trying to keep it inside.

Steven pulled the briefs up to mid-way past Tom's back before holding it there, pressing against Tom's spine so he could feel how high the briefs had gotten, before gently letting the briefs snap back with a small 'twang'. Steven then slowly walked around to the front, taking time as he traced the waistband with his finger, then gripped the front of the waistband and began pulling up, the fabric gently sliding in between Tom's cheeks and giving a soft burning sensation between his legs, making him moan louder.

Tom's legs squeezed together as Steven kept lifting the briefs up, past the belly button and up to just below the nipples, the slowness of the pull meaning there was no painful pressure against his balls or crotch, only pleasure. Steven let go with another 'twang', winking to Tom's aroused face and walking around once more to pull up at the back, making sure the briefs stretched up further then before as they were pulled up even slower, the whole process taking minutes to reach up to his shoulderblades, as Steven wanted to make this last.

After finishing the back and re-pulling the front, the briefs were stretched so far they were almost 100% see through, nothing hidden anymore as they were pulled so high. When picked it would probably look like Tom was wearing a thin nappy from how saggy it would be, which Steven would be more then delighted to tease Tom for later given previous experiences.

Steven wondered how to make the last one more fun before coming up with an idea. "Spread your legs out and bend over." Steven ordered, watching Tom's legs slide apart as he bent over, letting his cheeks spread out too and allowing Steven a nice view of the thong'd fabric between them. "Fast or slow?" He asked, rubbing Tom's globes as he waited for an answer, playing with them like watermelons.

"F-Fast.." Tom replied shakily, probably too engrossed in the sensations to worry about a bit of pain now. Steven grinned, grabbed the waistband and let it fly up without warning, catching Tom by surprise as he went up onto his tip-toes, nearly falling over if it weren't for Steven holding him up by the briefs. Steven gave one final tug on the waistband, lifting Tom up off the ground for a split second before letting go, Tom falling down onto hands and knees, moaning loudly.

"How was that, my dear?" Steven asked with a cheery smile. Tom looked back with an embarrassed smile, "Hurry up and film so I can rip those clothes off you." "Hehehe, your wish is my command~!" Steven replied, eagerly picking up his phone and filming Tom on his hands and knees, wiggling, wedgied butt on display in a see through thong, his head turned to the camera as he did the next line, "On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, Five squeaky cleans! Four public pantsings, three atomic wedgies, two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie from a pear tree~!"

Day Six

Steven sighed as he paced the bedroom early in the morning, concerned. The next gift was supposed to be prepared the day before, but he was completely at a loss for what to do. Tom was snoring peacefully next to him, but he was likely to wake up in less then an hour knowing his usual routine. "Ugh, think Steven.." He mumbled to himself, sitting his butt down on his bed as he wracked his brain for ideas. He couldn't do another ripping-wedgie type deal because six pairs of underwear was a bit extreme. If he did that by the end Tom would have no more pairs of underwear left! Though seeing Tom Commando did have its perks...

Steven closed his eyes and slowly went through the list of all the wedgies he knew, before he opened them again with a wide smile, he had it! He quickly went over to Tom's bed and shook him awake, much to Tom's annoyance but that was ignored as he was pulled out of bed, wearing a pair of light blue, very stretchy briefs, perfect for the next wedgie.

"Ughhh... What're we doing now?" Tom mumbled, rubbing his eyes and shivering as he stood in the cold room, almost naked. Steven grinned, "We're going to be testing out your endurance! Prepare your buttocks." Tom stared at his partner with a raised eyebrow before Steven clarified, "Not sex endurance, dummy. We can do that tomorrow. For now, it's wedgie endurance!"

Tom sighed, moving back to the regular position of him bending forward slightly, legs spread shoulder width apart and butt out, ready for his next gift. Steven took the waistband and hiked it up, stretching the fabric with ease, considering they were so full of spandex they might as well be speedos. It managed to get to Tom's shoulderblades before they even began slipping into his crack, making the wedgie proper and snug. With a small grunt, Steven moved the waistband up over Tom's head, over his hair and snapped it down onto the waistband, grabbing some duct tape and taping it in place, to make sure it didn't accidently slip off like it often did.

Steven turned Tom around to look at how he was; back arc'ed away from the main body of the fabric, his head pinned back so he was staring up at the ceiling, and the waistband tugging backwards, trying to return back to where it belonged pulled his forehead and eyebrows up as well, making it look like Tom was surprised at something, which Steven laughed at. "That's a familiar sight, hahaha!" He teased, noting the briefs snugly wedged in between Tom's cheeks, also a familiar sight recently. Steven grabbed Tom's cheeks and pulled them apart to make the wedgie go deeper, making Tom squeal in surprise.

"W-When you said endurance..?" Tom gulped, looking around at Steven, who grabbed a stopwatch and hit start, "Well, it's the sixth day, so I want to see if you can survive for a whole six hours!" Tom shook his head rapidly, "No way! Nuh uh! Nooope! I refuse! Make it six minutes!" Steven pouted, "Awww, but I was excited.." Tom however was adamant, pointing out if it really was six minutes they wouldn't have time for any of the other gifts that needed to be done today, along with any last minute present shopping.

Steven sighed and gave in, "Okay, six minutes, but I'm not gonna make it easy!" He smirked, dropping the stopwatch and jumping at Tom, making them both fall over onto the bed. "Heyooww!!" Tom cried out, the sudden change in position making the wedgie slide and cut into his butt, making the fabric pop at the seams! Steven grinned and sat on top of Tom as he rolled him onto his back so the legholes were reachable, gripping them tightly, "One." He counted, hearing Tom's begging for mercy behind him. "Two. Three!" With as much strength as Steven could muster, he pulled up on the legholes, pulling them together in a piledriver-atomic combo.

Tom's cries of pain were muffled by the pillow he buried his face in, mixed in with laughter from the whole sillyness of it all. Steven grinned and continued the attack on the briefs, making sure the fabric was deep enough between Tom's butt before leaning down and planting a kiss on both cheeks. "Hey Tommie~?" Tom raised his head out of the pillow, "Yes Stevie?" "How would you like to play with my toys later?" "...I'd like that a lot." Tom replied after some thought. "Then you're gonna make the rest of the six minutes sucking me off."

"Sneaky bastard." Tom chuckled, making Steven laugh himself, "You got me! So yes or no?" "Suure I'll do it, but remember we can't spend all day fucking or else we'll get nothing else done." "Sounds perfect if you ask me." Steven replied, getting off of Tom and letting Tom slide off the bed and get onto his knees.

"Mmm, what a lovely angle." Steven said as he filmed Tom's position on the ground, head up and butt sticking out so the entirety of the atomic wedgie was visible to the camera, along with the angle making Tom look super submissive and cute as he sung out, "On the Sixth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, a Six minute atomic wedgie, five, squeaky cleans, four public pantsings, three ripped tighty whities, two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie from a Pear Tree~!"


Aaahhh, I keep rushing these chapters, i'm sorryyy! I just got a lot of work from College leading up to Christmas so I only have a short time to work on these, but I'm doing my best to make them as enjoyable as possible. Thanks again!

Day Seven Seven soaking swirlies

The apartment was quiet today, mostly due to the fact that both of them were completely exhausted. They had completed their final coursework pieces for the current term that day, and thus were entirely burnt out, so the pair decided to spend a lot of the day just relaxing together, huddled on Steven's bed and rewatching episodes of Breaking Bad.

"Mmph, we still have to do the rest of the gifts.." Steven mumbled, resting his head on Tom's shoulder, one of the few times he allowed Tom to be the big spoon. Tom stroked Steven's hair as they sat together, "You sure? You still seem pretty tired." Steven shook his head and suppressed a yawn, "It's okay, so long as we don't do anything too stressful.. Maybe a coffee afterwards and I'll be back to my old self."

Tom smiled and kissed the top of Steven's head, "Come on then, what do you have planned?" Steven grinned and stood up, taking Tom by the hand and leading him into the bathroom. "Now I know you're gonna hate me for this.." Steven sighed as Tom raised an eyebrow, not giving him time to ask as he swung his leg, kicking Tom hard in the back of his knees to force him down in front of the toilet.

Tom's face went from smiling to horror as he looked down at the bowl, before looking up at Steven with a death glare, "You do this I'll never forgive you." Steven smiled and patted his head affectionately, "You said that last time and look what happened." With that, he moved his hand behind Tom's head and pushed him down gently but forcefully into the toilet bowl, hearing a small splash as he entered the water.

Unlike most bully-focused swirlies, Steven didn't want to actually harm Tom at all, so instead of waiting for a minute or so, he only counted to ten before hitting the flush button, letting the water swoosh around Tom's head, drenching his hair as several gurgles resemblind swear words were heard by Steven coming from the Toilet. He watched the water slowly refill back around Tom's head, submurging him back underwater as several bubbles popped up.

"One.." Steven mumbled, giving Tom a reasurring pat on the back before flushing again, lifting his head out of the receeding water slightly to give him more time to breath, just in case he was struggling. A quick look at his scrunched up face reminded Steven of how much Tom hated swirlies, not that the first time a swirly took place in their relationship didn't let Steven know. He still felt his balls throb each time that painful memory came into view.

Shaking his head, Steven went back to the present and pushed Tom back down into the toilet as the water returned, rubbing his face against the bowl jokingly, knowing that'd get him a bollocking later but enjoying himself too much. "Having fun down there?" Steven asked loudly after the third swirly. At this point Tom clearly was annoyed, judging by the middle finger that shot up from his hands, holding himself up on either end of the toilet. "Well I'll make this go quickly, I promise." He replied, giving Tom another pat on the back as swirly number four was initiated.

Tom's struggles throughout the next couple of swirlies had left a rather large amount of toilet water on the floor, along with a rather large amount splashed onto his, and Steven's shirt. That would require a lot of cleaning later... Steven sighed and grabbed a towel from the nearby heating rack, beginning to mop up the floor as Tom lifted his own head up to take a breather. "Ugh.. I hate you." He spluttered, mouth full of toilet water. "No you don't." Steven replied. "Do too." "Do not." "Do t-glubble!!" Tom gurgled in surprise as Steven suddenly stuck his head back under the water. If he was able to swear at that point, he probably would.

"Aaand, seven!" Steven sighed as he let go and dashed out of the bathroom as Tom stood up, knowing he would be in for a severe punishment if he stuck around. He jumped into bed and put on his most innocent 'please don't hurt me' face as Tom walked back into the bedroom with murder in his eyes, shirtless and with a towel on his head.

"I'm sowwyy..." Steven pleaded with his eyes, watching Tom sit down on the bed next to him. Tom took a deep breath, "Two things. One; you are going to make me breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next week. Two; we're going to skip swirlies for the next few gift days. Deal?" Steven nodded quickly, glad his balls weren't in any danger this time. "Good, now lets get the filming over with."

Steven slowly picked up his phone and began filming, a still surprisingly sexy image of Tom sitting on the bed, his hair and chest wet and glistening, along with the towel around his head made him look like he'd been for a swim, which, in a way, was true. "For the Seventh day of Christmas, my True Love unfortunately," He added, making Steven blush in shame, "Gave to me, Seven soaking swirlies, a Six minute atomic wedgie, Five, squeaky cleans, Four public pantsings, Three ripped tighty whities, Two purple nurples, and an atomic wedgie in a Pear Tree~!"

Day Eight

The mood in the apartment was a cheerful one. Steven, glad he hadn't been murdered by Tom's hands last time, was cooking his boyfriend a good breakfast as promised. Choosing to go for toast and a boiled egg, since cooking wasn't his strong suit he chose to do something simple and hopefully not burn it. To make things extra sexy, Steven had stripped naked and was just wearing a tight fitting apron, keeping things covered at the front but exposing his glorious ass to anyone who wanted to take a look, and Tom certainly wanted a look!

"Mmm, your cooking better be as good as you look right now!" Tom warned jokingly, watching Steven from the nearby dining table. Steven shot back a wink and wiggled his butt, "Stop looking you pervert~." Tom snorted, "YOU're the one who chose to wear just an apron, but I'm the pervert? I think not mister."

"I think you need to shush and eat my delicious food." Steven replied with a grin, passing over the plate of food. Tom raised an eyebrow at the slightly burnt toast, "Did you use a blowtorch to cook the bread?" "No! That toaster just has it in for me I swear. Every time I use it it burns my toast, but when others use it it's completely fine." Steven protested with a pout, sitting down next to Tom.

"Riiight, the toaster has it in for you.." The jock eye rolled and pulled Steven closer, "With me fully clothed it looks like you're my bitch this time." He grinned, offering a slice of toast to Steven, who opened his mouth and let himself be fed. "Mmph, you wish!" He replied through a mouthful of bread, "A quick session over my lap will change that!"

"Oh? You planning on spanking me today then?" Tom asked with a raised eyebrow, "Been a while since you've done that." "Yeah that's because I've not had a reason to spank you for a while! You've not been naughty at all. Think of this as just a reminder about who's in charge~!"

"I'm pretty sure I've had so many reminders in the past my butt has "Property of Steven" written on the cheeks." Tom laughed, finishing his food quickly, "Alright Mr. Manly, where you want me?" "Over my lap, duuuh!" Steven replied sarcastically, pushing his chair back so he was away from the table and patting his lap, which Tom slowly bent over. Their size difference made things very difficult, and Tom would have slipped off of Steven's lap completely if Steven hadn't wrapped an arm around his back to hold him in place.

"Comfy?" Steven inquired, feeling Tom squirm a bit on his lap to get comfy, pushing his feet on the floor to make his butt rise up higher to make it easier to spank. "Yeah, I'm getting there." Tom replied. Steven nodded and used his free hands to grip the waistband of Tom's tracksuit bottoms, slowly shifting them down until they were at his knees, taking time to admire the butt over his knees, covered up with a pair of light blue briefs. "You look so childish wearing those." He teased, before grabbing them and slipping them down too until they were bunched up just underneath his butt, giving him a marker for how low to spank.

"Remember just eight this time! I don't want you to try and give me eighty or something.." Tom said from his position, looking back at the grinning Steven who rubbed the exposed rear end to sooth him, "Calm down princess, only eight I swear." Tom nodded and went back to looking at the floor whilst Steven took his time with the rubbing, kneading the cheeks until Tom had fully relaxed, before pulling his hand back up to just above his shoulder height. "I didn't say how hard I'd do it though." He added before bringing his hand down, feeling it land on Tom's left cheek with a loud THWACK!, hearing the noise before his hand began swearing with pain, much like it does when you high-five someone a bit too hard.

"OWW! FUCK!" Tom cried out in shock, tensing up from the smack. Due to his positioning, his hands were being used to prevent his face from hitting the floor, so he couldn't reach back to protect his backside or sooth the pain it was feeling at that moment. Steven winced as he pulled his hand back, seeing a clear red handprint appear on the left buttock, a mark of ownership in a weird way. Steeling himself, Steven repeated the process on the right cheek, giving it a matching handprint whilst trying to ignore the sting in his hand, reminding himself it was probably nothing compared to the pain Tom was feeling in his butt, given the amount of swearing being heard from his usually submissive partner.

On the Third and Fourth strike Steven aimed lower down, hitting directly onto Tom's sit-down spots, making Tom cry out louder. Each THWACK! noise filled the small apartment, and Steven wondered if people in the other rooms wondered what was going on. Sighing, Steven took a quick break to rest his hand and examine Tom's red backside. The handprints had begun to mingle into a single red patch, heat radiating off of them thanks to the force of the smack. Tom himself was breathing heavily, letting out small moans of agony. Perhaps he went a tad too hard this time..

Steven promised himself to apologise afterwards to Tom, before bringing his hand back and letting forth two quick smacks in rapid succession at equal force, the SMACK! SMACK! noise mingling with Tom's loud swearing. The entire left cheek had become bright red now, looking like a tomato, which told Steven that that side was done with. Wanting to end it quickly, he did the same two rapid fire smacks onto the other cheek, making the right buttock just as red as the other before Tom sprang up and began rubbing his backside frantically, "Owowowowowoww! My butt's on fire!"

"Yeah a spanking will do that to you." Steven nodded, earning himself a glare from Tom. "Why'd you do it so hard?? That's the worst spanking I've ever recieved!" Steven nodded sadly, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise. I promise I'll be gentler next time. Want a hug to make up for it?" He offered, holding his arms out for a hug. Tom reluctantly accepted, picking Steven up and squeezing him in a tight bear hug. "Ack, you're squishing me!" Steven groaned as he was crushed, "Mercyy!"

Tom smiled and let go, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise. I promise I'll be gentler next time." He replied mockingly. Steven blushed as he pulled out his phone, "Shush.. put yourself in the corner with your hands on your head this time!" Tom obeyed and walked over to the corner, sticking his nose into the corner and putting his hands on his head, glowing red butt in full view with his briefs pulled down just below them so nothing was secret, and his trousers having fallen down to his ankles. Steven took great care to film the buttocks before moving it to the side so it could see Tom singing, "On the Eighth day of Christmas my true love gave to me, eight painful spankings, seven soaking swirlies, a Six minute atomic wedgie, Five, squeaky cleans, four public pantsings, three ripped tighty whities, two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie from a pear tree!"

Day Nine

"Man, I love this movie. It's perfect for Christmas!" Steven smiled as he sat with Tom facing the TV, watching the movie on screen come to an end. Tom raised an eyebrow, "It's good, but would you really count Die Hard as a Christmas movie?" "Hell yeah, it's got everything Christmas has! Parties, carols, Bruce Willis, it practically screams Christmas." Steven explained to his skeptical partner, who yawned and stretched, "Well alright, I'll take your word for it Stevie."

"Yeah you'd better, otherwise I'll make today's gift another round of spanking." Steven teased, jumping up and stretching. "You do that and it'll be the last time you ever touch my backside." Tom replied with a huff, reaching over to pinch Steven's boxer-covered butt, making him jump with a yelp, "Ey! I already apologised for how harsh it was okay..?" He pouted, rubbing his butt. Tom smirked, "I know, but I'll be holding it against you for months."

"Ugh.." Steven eye rolled and led Tom into the kitchen, "I hope you're okay with your underwear being ruined." "Don't worry, I'm wearing the cheapest possible pair I could find." Tom replied, pulling his trousers down to reveal a very generic looking pair of white briefs. Steven snorted, "No name on them this time?" "Nah, I ran out of time." He replied sadly. Steven shrugged and tossed down a few towels around Tom, who raised an eyebrow, "Let me guess, messy wedgie?"

Steven grinned and began mulling through the cupboads, "Bingo! Not sure if those briefs will be able to hold nine ingredients, but we shall see, hehe." He put multiple items of food and condiments on the table as Tom quickly took his trousers and socks off, not wanting them to get ruined.

"Okay monsieur, for starters today we shall be having cereal with orange juice!" Steven smiled, picking up a mini-packet of cocopops and opening it up, pulling back Tom's waistband and dumping all of it down the backside of the tighty whities until they sat comfortably in the seat. Next, Steven opened up a bottle of milk and gently poured it into the back as well, stopping when he was certain every single cocopop had been thoroughly milked, before snapping the waistband back.

Tom grunted as the cocopops began to crackle and pop from mixing with the milk, forming a brown sludge at the bottom which made it look like he had had a nasty accident! Any remains of milk dripped down his legs and into the towels, thankfully soaking it all up before it got onto the floor. Steven moved onto the orange juice and quickly poured it down the front of the tighty whities, 'forgetting' to warn Tom that it was cold, which Tom quickly realised as his eyes widened and let out a little shriek of surprise, "C-C-Cold!!"

Steven snickered, "Oh yeah, be careful it's cold." He giggled, nimbly dodging a punch from Tom as he went back over to the table, giggling at the sight of Tom standing there with milk and orange juice dripping down his legs, the briefs almost completely soaked already, and they were only three items in!

"Our next course, Sir, is a nice peanut butter and jelly sandwich!" Steven proclaimed, picking up a spoon and a jar of peanut butter, spooning out a generous amount down the front of Tom's briefs, with a cheeky grin, as he knew Tom was never a fan of peanut butter, which hadn't changed judging by the disgust on Tom's face! Steven then added in the strawberry jam(jelly, wotevah), earning him another look of disgust. A quick peek showed the dampness of the briefs were leading to the jelly and peanut mixing together slowly to form one horrendous mess, slowly seeping down into every section of Tom's crotch. Finally, Steven took two slices of bread, putting on on each side of Tom's face, "What are you?" Tom blushed and smiled as he replied, "An idiot sandwich." Steven giggled, "A cute idiot sandwich!" He corrected, mopping up the excess liquid on Tom's legs with the bread before shoving it down into the front of the briefs, completing the second part of the messy wedgie!

"How's it feeling?" Steven inquired as he patted the front of Tom's briefs, making Tom shudder as everything squished against his balls, "Horrible and cold.." "Well I'm afraid it's going to get a little bit colder, my dear, as we're moving on to a banana split!" Steven replied happily, grabbing a banana from the table and peeling it, before dumping it down into the back with the soggy cocopops, making sure the banana was snug between Tom's buttcheeks for maximum squish when the wedgie finally took place. While Tom was pre-occupied with that feeling, Steven added to it with a biiiig scoop of vanilla ice cream, so cold that Tom actually jumped in surprise, shivering as it slopped against his backside and began slowly melting, "ughhh, I hate this!" He pouted unhappily.

Steven sighed and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek, pouring in some chocolate sauce as the final ingredient, "I know, I'll make it up to you later okay?" He promised, putting some chocolate on his finger and lifting up to Tom's mouth, who licked at it with a small red tinge on his cheeks, "Okaay, just get this over with." He asked, closing his eyes and waited.

"As you wish!" Steven smiled, walking to the side of Tom so he could put one hand on the back waistband and one hand to the front, pulling up simultaneously so all the ingredients smushed together, the soggy sandwich in the front, the cocopops and banana split in the back all becoming squished against Tom's body as the wedgie increased, bits of sauce, jelly and cocopops falling out of the quite possibly permanantly stained tighty whities as Tom let out another groan of disgust, squirming from the sensations he was greeted by along with the coldness of the ice cream. Steven continued pulling up until he was sure the indredients were thoroughly smushed, before letting go, the briefs stuck up against Tom's belly and back in a comical manner.

"Alright, let's get this done quickly so you can have a shower!" Steven said, pulling out his phone and filming the scene, Tom's butt covered in ice cream, sauce, banana and cocopops, his crotch covered in jelly and peanut butter, both sides of briefs completely soggy and icky looking, and Tom's unhappy face singing, "On the ninth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me, Nine messy wedgies, Eight painful spankings, Seven soaking swirlies, a Six minute atomic wedgie, Five, squeaky cleans, Four public pantsings, Three ripped tighty whities, Two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie in a pear tree!"

Day Ten

"Come on Tom, I said I was sorry a thousand times!" Steven groaned from his rather uncomfortable position on the floor. Tom had been upset with him ever since the messy wedgie, and was refusing to accept any apology from Steven thus far, including (but not limited to) breakfast in bed, a back massage, tickets to a movie and grovelling on his hands and knees for nearly an hour. It all meant nothing, so when Steven tried to ask Tom if he was ready for today's gift, the supposedly dominant one found himself face down on the floor with Tom sitting on his back and holding his legs in a wrestling pin. If there was one thing you should never do, it's be rude to someone who watches Wrestlemania on an almost religious basis.

"It's not just the messy you gave me Steven. It's the fact that these are supposed to be gifts that we both find enjoyable, but the last few I've felt were rather one-sided!" Tom explained, tightening the hold and pulling on Steven's legs, hearing him squeal. "I-I get it I get it!" Steven nodded, banging his hand on the floor in surrender, "I'll let you choose the next gift, so it'll be whatever you want! And I'll let you give everything back to me on the Twelfth day?"

Tom seemed to consider for a moment, letting Steven squirm, unable to get free until his legs were finally freed, Tom standing up and letting Steven stand, rubbing his leg in pain. "Alright, deal. I want a propellor wedgie today then." Tom declared, going into one of their drawers full of kinky stuff and pulled out a sturdy, thick ruler, perfect for twisting underwear into a bunch with, "If I think it's becoming too much though, you'd better listen to me, or else."

Steven gulped and nodded, not wanting to be pinned down again, "You got it. Maximum pleasure!" He walked behind Tom and pulled his trousers down until they were sitting just below his butt, revealing a pair of festive green Christmas tree-themed briefs. "Cute pair." Steven complimented, before threading the ruler through the legholes until it popped out on the other side. He pulled up on it slightly so the briefs were already snug in a wedgie, as well as pulling back so that when he began twisting he wouldn't catch any of Tom's skin and make it pinch, which was not fun in the slightest!

With a quick look to Tom for approval to begin, Steven began slowly twisting the ruler around, twirling it like a baton as it began wrapping itself around Tom's briefs, making the wedgie go deeper and tighter as he went on, counting out in his head as he went, "One.. Two.. Three.. Four.." Tom moved his legs apart slightly as the twisting continued, feeling the front pulled closer to his crotch and further back between his legs as the fabric stretched to accomodate the new tightness caused by the ruler. The wedgie itself was snug but not yet painful, more a slow, pleasant burning between his legs, much more enjoyable then previous gifts already!

"Five.. Six.." Steven paused to take a breather, noting that the briefs were starting to reach the maximum stretch it would allow easily. From here on out it would be a lot harder and tougher to complete those rotations. Holding onto the ruler with one hand, Steven reached around and rubbed at Tom's crotch, making him let out a quiet moan. "How is it then?" He asked, continuing to rub and squeeze the tight pouch. "Very good.." Tom replied, smiling, "Keep this up and I might be willing to forgive you."

"As long as it means I don't have you sitting on top of me again, I'm happy." Steven giggled a little, glad their relationship was still entact, before going back to the propellor wedgie, swapping the slow spins for a sharp crank of the briefs, making the wedgie suddenly shoot up Tom's backside, causing him to yell in surprise! "Ey, warn me next time!" Steven giggled louder and returned to a slow twisting motion, "Sorry sorry, couldn't resist."

Tom's hands began moving too, sliding them through the sides to make sure it didn't dig in too deeply or pinch at his crotch, a very real issue not many consider when recieving wedgies! Getting fabric pulled up your backside in a sensual manner is all fun and games until you start getting friction burn in your nether regions after all.

"Seven.. eight.. nine.." Steven grunted, the briefs had met the end of the line for stretching, giving him plenty of resistence for the final spin. "Oh come on, so close!" He groaned, hearing seams popping as he completed half of the last rotation. He was close to giving up until he felt Tom's hands on his own, helping him along. The added muscle helped the pair together complete the Tenth spin, Steven letting go and breathing a sigh of relief as Tom kept hold of it, seemingly enjoying the sensations too much to let it loosen just yet.

"So uhh, we good?" Steven asked hopefully as he went around to look up at Tom, greeted by a kiss on the cheek and a nod. "Yup, we good. I still want that breakfast in bed though, that was cute. Also I'm never letting you live down the fact you grovelled in front of me, Mr. Macho man." Steven's face burned with embarrassment, "I didn't know what else to do! I didn't want a repeat of last time.." "Hey, relationships have their ups and downs all the time, it's not all sunshine, lollypops and rainbows everyday you know." Tom pointed out, reaching over to the table and giving Steven his phone, "Come on, film my butt and then let me go jack off."

"Psh, pervert." Steven teased, both of them laughing like idiots as Tom sang the magic words, "On the Tenth Day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me, Ten propellor wedgies, Nine messy wedgies, Eight painful spankings, Seven soaking swirlies, Six atomic wedgies, Five, Squeaky cleans, Four public pantsings, Three ripped tighty whities, Two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie in a pear tree~"

Day Eleven

"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire, is so delightful, and since we've no place to go, let it snow let it snow let it snow." Steven hummed to himself as he walked through the country park with Tom by his side, skipping through the several inch-deep snow with glee. Tom eye rolled as he walked along, "You're such a child, you know that right?" Steven shrugged, "Don't care, I've loved snow for as long as I can remember, and I plan on keeping it that way!" He grinned as he jumped into a snow ditch, his thermals keeping him warm as he rolled around in the snow until he looked like a snowman himself!

Tom laughed, watching his boyfriend rolling around, not having that many thermals on so he decided to stick to just watching, when an idea popped into his head, grabbing a handful of snow and moulding it into a large snowball with his gloved hands, going over to Steven stealthily, who was busy making a snow angel while face down in the snow. With quick precision, the Jock lifted up the back of Steven's jumper and shoved the snowball down his back, far enough that he couldn't get it out by himself easily.

Steven let out a girly scream of horror and jumped nearly a foot in the air, running around in circles as he struggled to shake the snow out of his shirt while his warm back was assaulted by the cold snow, "C-c-c-c-cold!!!" He squeaked, shivering madly whilst Tom laughed his head off at the results of his prank, knowing he'd be punished but it would have been worth it!

Once Steven had managed to make all of the snow vacate his shirt, he turned his attention to Tom who was still giggling, "Think that's funny huh? Well two can play at that game!" He retorted, grabbing his own handful of snow and marching over to Tom, who stood there obediently since he did kind of deserve it. With a swift motion, Steven pulled back Tom's snow-pants and his underwear, a pair of ironically flame-themed orange and red briefs, and dumped as much snow as he could down the front of them, making sure it was densely packed in!

Tom's own squeals were twice the volume of Steven's as his balls were assaulted by the freezing cold, his teeth chattering as he felt them turning blue! "Shame I'm not doing the spanking first and then the snow-wedgie after, would have made a nice cooldown for your butt!" Steven teased as he moved onto the back, piling handful after handful of snow down the briefs until they bulged outwards with snow, Tom looking thickly padded under his snow-pants, which was true in a way, padded with snow at least.

"On the count of three... onetwothreeWEDGIE!" Steven called out rapidly and hoised the waistband up into the sky, half of the snow immediately pouring out of Tom's briefs and down his legs, causing a shiver to run all up his body as he was met with a mixture of cold snow and hotness between his legs from the friction of fabric in his butt. The front became tighter and brought the snow closer to his crotch, bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase "blue balls"!

"Oooooh!" Tom gasped, a long drawn out noise which continued when Steven piled in more snow, trying to get as much in as humanly possible while keeping the wedgie fresh with a new tug here and there, managing to pull the waistband up to Tom's back with ease!

"Hey Tommie, I'll end it quickly if you beg me to~" Steven teased, his eyes lighting up as he held the briefs tight, waiting for Tom's response. "Okaay.. Please Steven stop pulling on my underwear, it really hurts! I promise I'll behave from now on, I'm sorry for shoving snow down your shirt!" Tom replied, putting on his best 'dweeby nerd in a crisis with a bully' voice. Steven 'hmmm'd for a few moments and yanked the wedgie higher, up to his shoulder blades now and making Tom cry out once more, "Not good enough! I really want to hear that sincerity."

Tom took a deep breath and spoke as loudly as possible, turning red as he did so, "Please Mr. Bully stop pulling on my dorky underwear, I promise I'll behave from now on! It was wrong of me to defy someone so great, so powerful, so big in the trouser department! Have mercy!" Steven laughed and let go, satisfied with that answer, "Okay okay enough of that. You're so cute when you beg though~" He grinned as Tom dug the snow out of his underwear to warm his butt back up.

"Yeah yeah, that's why you keep making me say that." Tom replied, blushing, "Can we film it back at the apartment so I can take a shower to warm myself up though?" Steven nodded, "Sure!" He turned to walk back to the apartment when he heard a rush behind him, and was suddenly assaulted with snow down his back once again! "Fuck! Get back here you bastard!" Steven called after a hysterically laughing Tom who was currently fleeing the scene, picking up a snowball and throwing it after him, "I'm going to shove so much snow down your briefs you won't be able to feel your boners for a week!" "Love you too darling~!" "Shut up and take your punishment!"


Day Twelve

Steven sighed as he looked down at the number of items he had laid down onto his bed. It was the last day of gift giving, and Steven had already planned out the present. It was in fact already laying at the foot of Tom's bed, carefully wrapped with a bow wrapped around it. Tom himself had been sent out to buy some food for tonight, as Steven was also planning to cook a delicious meal for the two, romantic movie style.

Checking the time, Steven sighed and stripped down to a black lace thong, reserved for particularly kinky moments together, and tonight would be one of them! He then took four lines of rope and tied them to each post on Tom's bed, much like when Tom first got his purple nurple 'gift'. Though this time things would be a bit different. He picked at his small wedgie and looked at the other items he had. More rope, duct tape, a paddle he had borrowed from the Universities frat house, and the present in question.

Steven sighed and looked up at the door as he heard Tom come in, preparing himself and stood up at attention, pushing his boner down a little as that also came to attention due to the soft lace of the thong. Tom opened the door, holding the bags of food and stopped in his tracks, his mouth dropping open at Steven in the thong, his eyes darting between him and the bed. "Is-Is this part of my final gift?"

"Uhuh." Steven nodded, a slight tint of red on his cheeks as he stood there, "I wanted to make it up to you, since I know you didn't enjoy all of the gifts I gave you, so just for today I thought I'd let you take over for a bit. As a way of saying Sorry.." Tom put down the bags as Steven explained himself and walked over to the nerd, giving him a tight hug, "You're the best boyfriend ever, so stop apologising."

Steven smiled and nodded, getting a bit teary eyed as they hugged, before squeaking a bit as he felt his thong tugged up his bum, the lace turning thinner between his cheeks as he squirmed, clinging on to Tom as he was then picked up and laid down on the bed, watching Tom slowly and methodically tie his limbs with the rope, making sure the knots were tight but not painful, an almost complete role reversal of before taking place.

Tom smiled down to Steven and gave his tight laced pouch a rub, making Steven gasp and blush more. "H-Hey you haven't opened your present yet." Steven nodded over to the package between his legs. Tom raised an eyebrow, "I'll open that one up later, but for now I'll deal with this one." He teased, picking up the wrapped present and opened it up. Inside were Twelve pairs of pristine, crystal white tighty whities from Calvin Klein, each one having cost Steven at least 15 pounds each, as CK underwear tended to be on the expensive side in return for incredible comfort and durability. Tom's eyes began to water, "You shouldn't have.."

Steven smiled, "But I did. And it was worth it." Tom rubbed the tears from his eyes and tried to put on a serious 'Dominatrix' look, "You seriously shouldn't have, I'll have to punish you for this." Steven laughed and wiggled about, "Can't wait, Master~." Tom smirked and reached into one of the bags, pulling out a can of whipped cream and opened it up, shaking the can before squirting it down into the thong, filling Steven's crotch with the sweet white cream. He then pushed the can between Steven's lips, "Open wide~!" Steven did and felt his mouth become filled with delicious cream, trying to resist the urge to swallow until his mouth was completely stuffed, about to swallow when he felt Tom's lips cover his own, taking a long kiss together, tongues darting in and out of each others' mouth as eventually the two both had cream covering their lips, Tom pulling away and licking his own, "Mm, almost as sweet as you my dear~."

Steven giggled, "So cheesy as always." Tom winked back in reply and picked up Steven's phone, pointing it towards himself, "On the Twelfth day of Christmas my True Love gave to me, Twelve pairs of undies," He then turned the camera to a tied up, cream covered Steven who smiled at the camera as Tom continued singing, "And I got to give him, Eleven snowy wedgies, Ten spins of a propellor wedgie, Nine messy wedgies, Eight painful spankings, Seven soaking swirlies, Six atomic wedgies, Five, Squeaky cleans, Four public pantsings, Three ripped tighty whities, Two purple nurples, and a hanging wedgie in a pear tree~!"

Steven's eyes widened a little as he heard the song, not expecting himself to get everything he gave Tom up until now, "My butt's gonna be sore by tonight, isn't it?" Tom grinned and nodded his head, picking up the paddle and twirling it around experimentally, "Quite possibly, but then again so did mine!" He pointed out, seeing Steven's face drop to a sad one. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that." Tom reassured, leaning over and tickling Steven again to make him giggle, "If it makes you feel any better between each one we're going to have a lot of fun with this little guy." He pointed down to Steven's still tented crotch and moved his mouth over it, "Starting with.." He pulled the thong down and moved his mouth closer to the whipped cream covered crotch. Steven himself closed his eyes and tilted his head back in esctacy. He was the luckiest nerd with a Domination complex ever.



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