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It was a cool night in the city of London. The streets were relatively empty, but the bars, pubs and clubs were packed full. Full of young University students partying their hearts out for Fresher’s week. Every gathering place in a 10 mile radius from any University were putting on massive discounts for the new arrivals, luring into their business with the promise of cheap alcohol, food and a high probability of scoring a night of rampant horny sex with a fellow student.

One such pub, The Loyal Toast, was experiencing a very busy evening. The bar was covered with students ordering food and alcohol, their loud voices mixing into each other as the bar staff tried their best to remember everyone’s orders. The waiting staff slipped around the packed tables of laughing drunks, delivering the ordered food whilst the bar dealt with the drinks. One waitress sighed a little as she heard some of the conversations being had walking past the tables;
“...Dude bet I can sleep with someone here by the end of the night...”
“...I cannot wait to get home tonight I’m gonna ride Jason’s dick so hard...”
“...Want to go outside and have some weed?”
She eye rolled as she carried a plate of fries over to a table in the corner, away from all the other shouty students, plopping the plate down in front of the table’s only occupant, “Large fries with curry sauce?”

The young lad looked up from his phone and nodded quickly, offering a quick smile and a nod, “Yes that’s right. Thank you!”
“No problem!” The waitress replied, returning the smile, “Want a drink or something? Students get 20% off.”
“Oh that’s alright, I don’t drink alcohol.” He replied, “I’ll have a coke though, if that’s alright?”
“Sure, one coke coming up.” She nodded, turning around and beginning her walk back to the bar. ‘At least there’s someone here who’s not a sex starved moron.’ She thought to herself.


The boy sighed a bit as he looked through his phone at the lack of any contacts. He wished he had someone to call and hang out with, but alas he had just moved here. He looked over to the other tables, full of rowdy young adults laughing, joking and making out furiously like they’d never experienced a kiss before and they’d shrivel up if they stopped. It was all so new to him...
Picking up his phone again and swapping over to photos, he decided to take a quick picture of himself. He held the phone up and smiled a bit before snapping the picture. He was still getting used to the technology, but it was a lot of fun to mess around with! He looked down at the smaller snapshot of himself on the screen. His blonde hair was much scruffier than he was used to, and it had slipped down a bit covering his amber eyes, but he still thought he looked cute. Maybe he had a chance with that waitress...
“Ah!” He gasped suddenly as he felt a pain in between his legs. He squeezed his thighs together and groaned, grabbing a handful of curry-stained chips and stuffing them into his mouth, trying to shake his head from those impure thoughts.

“Hey. Mind if I sit here?” A voice popped up next to his table. Looking up, he saw an older man in front of him, wearing an unbuttoned black shirt and jeans.
“N-No, go ahead...” He nodded, blushing a bit as the man sat down in front of him, leaning back and sighing happily.
“Cheers, everywhere else was packed. What’s your name?”
“Cole, nice to meet you Elijah.” Cole smiled, reaching forward and taking one of Elijah’s chips from his plate.
“H-Hey, those are mine!” Elijah huffed, pulling the plate closer to himself.
“Heh, sorry. I get greedy sometimes~.” Cole replied with a shit-eating grin, swiping his jet black hair to the side with a flick of his hand, “It’s difficult, isn’t it?”
“What is?”
“Being the new kid on the block. Especially if that block is so far away...” He explained, smirking at the younger lad.
Elijah eyed Cole suspiciously. Something about him seemed... off. Like there was a sinister side to the person sitting opposite him. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Cole continued, ignoring Elijah’s interjection, “It’s even worse when you aren’t fully allowed to ‘enjoy’ yourself, isn’t it?”

Elijah’s eyes widened in shock, his cheeks flushing as he subconsciously reached down and pressed a hand against his crotch, feeling the metal between his legs, “H-How do you know...”
Cole leaned forwards and spoke quietly, almost a whisper. Despite this, Elijah could hear the words clearly in his ears as if he was speaking right next to him, “Oh I know a lot about you Elijah. It’s not that difficult for me to work it out. The blonde hair, the bright innocent eyes, a complete inability to take a selfie without looking incredibly awkward... How does it feel, being on earth for the first time, Mr Angel?”
Elijah stammered for a bit, not believing how quickly his cover was blown, “I-It’s... weird...”
“Mhm, I figured. How old are you?”
Cole rolled his eyes, “No you dumbass, how old are you really?”
“...Four hundred.”
The mysterious man whistled a bit, “Damn, you’re just a kid. They’re letting you come down earlier and earlier every year. Still have those rules in place though. Such a shame. Not allowed to drink or smoke or do drugs, not allowed to have sex... Bet that one hurts the most, in more ways than one.” He grinned.

Elijah went to open his mouth but was stopped by a sudden pressure between his legs, looking down and seeing Cole’s boot pressing gently between his legs, “H-Hey, stop tha-Ah~!” He gasped, Cole’s boot slowly rubbing back and forth against the metal cage that kept his cock locked away, giving him barely enough pleasure to not immediately ask Cole to stop.
Cole continued tormenting the poor boy, his voice smooth and teasing, “You must have been locked up for years at this point. It’s bad enough being a human and being locked up during a 5 year puberty stint, but for Angels it’s so much longer... So many restless nights, wanting to touch yourself and cum, but restricted only to wet dreams which hardly satisfies you. All to keep you nice and ‘pure’, as Angels should be.”
“P-Please, stop...” Elijah whispered, squirming around in his seat as he felt his cock strain against the metal cage, so desperate to be released, but he wanted to remain pure.
Cole smirked, pulling his boot away and letting Elijah have a moment of peace, “And then all that pleasure remains after I stop, leaving you wanting more but forcing yourself to refuse it. Such a shame... If only there was a way to pleasure yourself without breaking the vows you made all those years ago~”
“Mmpf... I-I’d like there to be...” Elijah admitted, covering his straining crotch with his hands, “B-But there isn’t one... Is there?”

“Mmm, is there indeed...” Cole simply smiled in return, a piercing look in his eyes that made Elijah shiver, as if he was being undressed by the other man. Without much more, Cole stood back up and stretched, “Now then, I best be on my way. I hope I see you around, Elijah~.”
“W-Wait!” He put his hand out to stop Cole from walking away so soon, “B-But how do you know so much...?”
“Hmm... Let’s just say you’re not the first one I’ve helped.” Cole replied with a wink, giving Elijah a friendly wave before turning around and walking away.

Elijah watched in stunned awe at the man who vanished as soon as he appeared, leaving him confused, worried, and incredibly sexually frustrated.

“Wh-What just happened...?”

Elijah frowned as he stepped into his apartment, specially provided and paid for by his Guardians high above. He kicked off his shoes and flopped down onto the couch, staring up at the ceiling.

An Angel. Elijah had seen many depictions of his kind across the world, in all different forms. Guardians of heaven, God’s messengers, good souls from earth enjoying their afterlife, winged warriors against the devils down in hell... Some were certainly more accurate than others.
It had been all he’d ever known. He woke up one morning in a bright world, not knowing how he got there. He was taken in and looked after by the other, older Angels and taught his place in the universe. For the most part, Angels were expected to be an example to mortal beings, a shining beacon of purity to help those in need. To achieve this, all Angels were made to swear vows to remain pure. Once they had sworn to the vows, they were made to wear chastity cages to prevent breaking their vow of celibacy.
It had been two hundred years since he had first made that vow.

Elijah’s frustrations on being unable to pleasure himself were incredibly strong. Despite his pleas to the other Angels, they all refused to help him. He had even attempted sodomising himself with his fingers, but that proved incredibly unsatisfying. In the end he accepted his vow was permanent, and did his best to ignore his sexual desires. Though with each passing year, that had become harder and harder.
Eventually, Elijah had permission from the Archangels to visit Earth for a whole year. His mission was to learn more about the world and decide what he wanted to do with himself. He had heard humans refer to it as a ‘gap year’, so he decided to call it as such for now.

He was only two weeks into his stay on Earth, and already he had been discovered by some unknown entity. He was certain Cole wasn’t another Angel, but something still seemed ‘off’ about him. Something otherworldly. Something... alluring.

Elijah couldn’t help but think about that piercing gaze that befell him earlier that night. Those sharp grey eyes staring into the depths of his soul, able to know exactly what he was thinking and feeling without needing to say a word. Cole had a dominating presence around him, and Elijah wished he had at least asked him for his phone number so he could have found out more and spent more time with him.

“Nnf...” Elijah winced as he felt his cock swell against the metal of the cage once more. He thought back to what Cole had said earlier that night, as he reached into his jeans and squeezed his crotch through his underwear, “A way to pleasure myself without breaking my vows... I fucking wish.” He sighed in defeat, standing up and heading to his bathroom to have a cold shower. It was one way to deal with his horniness, however temporary it might be. It might allow him to get some sleep tonight without having a wet dream. Hopefully.


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