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Naruto was in trouble.

This was of no surprise, he was naturally a troublesome kid for years, and even as Hokage he enjoyed messing around occasionally, as a stress relief from work. This time however, the trouble was a lot closer to home. Inside his apartment, in fact.

He squirmed in his seat, centered in the middle of the room. His arms were pinned down by the side of the chair, and his hands were wrapped up in big padded mittens, closed up in a firm fist to prevent him from activating any Jutsu. His feet were similarly wrapped up in little orange booties, meaning even if he could escape, attempting to run was useless.

Looking down at his lower half, his lack of shorts allowed a clear view to the most humiliating part of the situation; the thick, padded underwear that he had been stuck in since last night. Each shift of his body allowed the diaper to make a loud crinkle, and a soft soggy squish that made him blush and squirm even more. A vicious cycle.

This was not the only change to his routine, of course. His living room now included a large fenced pen filled with blocks and toys, which he regularly was placed into to pass the time. In front of where he sat in his high chair, a large TV was blaring out a children’s show about a purple dinosaur, the only entertainment he’d been allowed to watch for the past few months. To his left, a large changing table which he had found himself laying on top of more times than he’d like to admit. Underneath it were stacks and stacks of diapers. Some were blue, some were white, some (humiliatingly) were pink! And unfortunately, he had spent plenty of time trying and using all of them.

His thoughts of his current predicament were shifted as his captor walked into the room. Someone he considered a friend, but recently has been more of a kidnapper, a babysitter, and a ‘big sister’.

“Sarada!” Naruto gulped as the Uchiha strolled confidently into the room. He couldn’t help but glance down nervously at the jar of baby food and spoon she was currently holding.

Sarada smiled happily, walking over to her captive baby, “Sorry it took me so long, I was choosing what breakfast you should get! I decided yummy mushed carrots and peas would be lovely for you!”

“Please Sarada, at least let me eat some ramen or something!” Naruto whined as Sarada began opening the large jar, “That stuff tastes gross!”

“No way, ramen is far too rich and greasy for a growing baby like you!” Sarada replied, scooping up a nice big spoonful and hovering it towards Naruto’s mouth, “Quit whining and accept your yummy num-nums!”

“No way, I’m a grown adul-MMPH!” Naruto’s whining was cut off by a sudden spoon in his mouth, depositing a healthy sized portion of baby food inside it. He shuddered as he swallowed it, the less-than-pleasant taste coating his mouth.

“There we go! Good boy Naruto! Now lets keep eating like a good boy!” Sarada smiled, preparing another heaped spoonful, “Here comes the aeroplane!”

The Hokage groaned as he squirmed in his seat, unable to wriggle away from the oncoming food. He couldn’t believe that all of this started because of a damn doll…

Two Months Ago…

Naruto looked up from his desk inside the Academy, hearing a knock at the door. Smiling, he stood up and stretched, his trousers sagging down a bit and exposing the orange waistband of his boxer-briefs for a moment. Walking over to it, he opened the door to his office and smiled at the guest, “Hi Sarada, welcome back!”

The young Uchiha smiled back as she stepped inside, a backpack over her shoulder as she stepped inside, slipping off her shoes. Sarada had just returned from a mission outside the hidden leaf village, especially chosen by Naruto to give her more practice out in the field.

“How was the mission?” Naruto asked, letting her step in and closing the door behind her.

“It went well! We found some weird puppet-jutsu user that had been kidnapping people, and took them down!” Sarada replied, rifling through her backpack, “Whilst Mitsuki was freeing the prisoners, I looked around their hideout and found some cool stuff!”

Naruto smiled as he sat down behind his desk, “Oh yeah, like what?”

Grinning, Sarada pulled out a small doll from her backpack and showed it to Naruto. It was of a little boy in an orange jacket and jeans, with blonde hair. He raised his eyebrows in surprise as he examined it closely, noticing it looked exactly like him!

“Hey, that’s… that’s me, right?” Naruto blinked as Sarada held it up.

“Considering it has your name sewn into the foot, yeah!” Sarada nodded, “It’s really cool!”

“Really creepy you mean..” Naruto shuddered, “We should get rid of that!”

“Why, you scared of the doll~? Big tough Hokage is scared of a widdle dolly?” Sarada teased.

“Yeah, I dont want to become someone’s puppet! Give it here, that’s a very powerful item in the wrong hands!” Naruto replied, trying to snatch it out of Sarada’s hands. Much to his annoyance, she expertly dodged out of the way with a smirk.

“Don’t be silly, it's just a doll! Anyway, its mine now!” The uchiha grinned, before throwing down a smokebomb and vanishing from sight!

“Sarada! Get back he-damnit…” He sighed and sat down on his seat, shaking his head. “I hope she doesn’t try anything funny with that…”

Sarada sighed as she returned home, hurrying upstairs to her bedroom and putting the doll on the floor, before turning it over and examining it from all angles. As she did so, she thought about what the real Naruto said about becoming a puppet.

“It's not a real voodoo doll.. Is it?” She blinked, remembering what her books said about such items. All it needed was a bit of energy…

Taking the doll close, Sarada focused her chakra and pushed it into the doll. She felt the energy slowly begin to leave her body and enter the doll. Closing her eyes, she forced as much of her chakra as she could into the small straw toy, until she had no more chakra to give.

She waited a moment… And another moment… And another… Nothing. Opening her eyes, she looked at the doll in frustration. It didn’t feel any different, and the straw Naruto looked exactly the same.

“Stupid thing.. Knew it was rubbish!” She sighed. Putting the doll Naruto back onto the ground, Sarada reached into her bag and dumped out a large collection of items. The doll wasn’t the only thing she took from that puppet user. There was an entire wardrobe of tiny clothes, items and furniture for the little doll. And whilst she prided herself on being one of the most mature ninjas when on missions, she couldn’t say no to indulging in a little dress-up.

She began by removing the current clothes on Naruto, stripping him down to just his underwear.

~Meanwhile, at Naruto’s Office~

Naruto was working away furiously at his desk, filling out form after form. His worries about Sarada put aside as he concentrated on signing a seemingly endless parade of papers.

As he went to sign another page, he stopped and froze in place. His entire body felt all tingly, and his vision blurred. The only time he had felt this before was when Karuma had taken control of his body. He instantly knew what it meant; Sarada was using the doll.

As if watching from far away, Naruto was helpless as his body acted on its own, trapped in the chair like he was restrained. He gasped as he felt his clothes slowly disappear from his body. His jacket, trousers, shirt, shoes and socks all vanished, leaving him in just his underwear, a bright orange pair of boxer-briefs. His eyes darted towards the door nervously, and prayed that Shikamaru wasn’t planning on walking in any time soon.

He couldn’t even begin to describe how embarrassing it was no longer being in control of his own body, but feeling every single little thing that happened to him, such as Sarada patting the doll on the head as she rifled through her bag.

~Meanwhile, at Sarada’s Home~

Sarada hummed to herself happily as she took hold of the doll’s underwear and slipped it off, quickly replacing it with the white, thicker cloth underwear.

“Lets make you look like an adorable baby Hokage~!” She chuckled, looking over the Naruto doll as she held up a bright orange onesie and pacifier, “Now, what about some yummy food, huh? I bet baby Naruto would love some warm milk~!”

~At Naruto’s Office~

Much like his trousers, Naruto felt his orange boxer-briefs vanish, quickly replaced with something much… thicker. He felt his lower half become wrapped tightly and hugged with something softer and fluffier. He blushed a deep red as he heard the rustling and crinkling between his legs.

“A-A diaper…?” Naruto gasped in horror, his eyes traveling down and seeing the clothes pins holding the absorbent fabric in place, “What on earth is she doing??”

To his brief relief, the diaper was quickly covered up. Unfortunately, it was covered up by a tight fitting, bright orange onesie that buttoned up between his legs, pushing the embarrassing underwear tighter against his body. He blushed and squirmed as his hands became covered by mittens, and small little booties replaced his shoes. He could not feel more infantile if he tried.

“Crap!” Naruto groaned, struggling to fight back against the voodoo that was controlling him, and forcing him to submit to this humiliation. The moment he felt a weakness in the bond between him and the doll, he quickly took advantage of it, throwing himself into a standing position, looking at himself in this ridiculous garment, “That little brat! Wh-When I get here I’m going t-”

At that precise moment, the door swung open to reveal Shikamaru, carrying another heavy stack of papers, “Here’s some more files for you to sign, Hokage! How’s everything goi-” He stopped in his tracks and stared at Naruto. The big, strong Hokage, now wearing a large orange onesie, and an obvious bulge of a diaper sticking out between his legs.

Naruto was mortified, his face flushing a deep red as he stammered to explain himself, “S-Sarada, she… a voodoo doll… it…”

“...I’m just going to come back later Sir…” Shikamaru replied, struggling to contain a smirk as he backed out of the office with the papers, “Enjoy your alone time…”

“Wait! Grab Sarada! It’s important! Hokage’s orders!” He begged, groaning as his ‘order’ sounded more like a pitiful whine. He held his face in his mittened hands and sighed, sitting down at his desk once again.

“Could this day get any wo-MMMPH!” Naruto’s eyes widened as he found his mouth filled with a large rubber.. Thing.. Which quickly began depositing milk into his mouth. His cheeks flushed a deep red as he realized Sarada must be feeding a baby bottle to the doll, and automatically swallowed the incoming milk. He felt his tummy grow full as he emptied the invisible bottle, only able to stop once it was empty.

“...Okay I was wrong, it could get worse…" He sighed, before loudly yawning. He felt his body grow tired, heavy and weary. The stress must have caught up to him, he reasoned, as he felt himself lean against the desk. Maybe a small power nap wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe it was just a bad dream…

Naruto woke up several hours later to the sound of banging on his desk, startling him awake. He shot upright at his desk and looked himself over, cursing as he realized he was still in the diaper and onesie. He looked up and saw Sarada standing over him, the little doll of Naruto in a little crib, though now being removed from it.

“Sarada!” Naruto glared at the young Uchiha, “Give me that doll this instant!”

Sarada giggled, holding the diapered dollie in her arms, “I don’t know, its hard to take you seriously with drool down your face! And with that big onesie you have on.”

Naruto’s face flushed as he wiped away the spit, presumably from sleeping with his mouth open, “That’s because of that doll! I don’t know what you did, but anything you do to it happens to me!”

“Oh really?? That's so cool! So if I do this…” Sarada patted the doll on the head. Naruto physically reacted, his head bobbing up and down with the headpat. Sarada’s eyes sparkled, “Awesome!”

“It is decidedly NOT awesome, Sarada! Now give me that doll, or else there’ll be consequences!” Naruto replied sternly, trying to retain his authority. He tried to stand up, but felt his body stuck in the chair once again.

Sarada tutted, pulling a small pacifier out of her pocket, “That’s not very nice, you didn’t even say please!”

“I don’t need to say please, I’m the damn Hokag-MMMHH!” Naruto’s outburst was silenced by a large pacifier being shoved into his mouth, his eyes widening as it materialized in his mouth as soon as Sarada pacified the doll.

“Now now, that’s enough of a temper tantrum from you baby Naruto~” Sarada grinned, watching as Naruto reluctantly suckled on the pacifier, staring up at Sarada in horror. “I wanna keep playing with this doll! I guess I’ll be staying at yours for a bit until I get bored, unless you want everyone seeing you diapered like a big baby! Would you want that? For the entire village to see you waddling around in your big diapers?” Sarada asked, her smile turning into a sadistic grin Naruto had seen on Sasuke many times when they were kids.

It made him cower almost instantly, shaking his head frantically.

“You gonna behave then, and let me babysit you for a bit?”

Naruto nodded. Being humiliated in private was much better than being humiliated in public. At least until he grabbed the doll for himself and destroyed it.

Sarada beamed happily, “Excellent! Good baby!” She patted the doll on the bottom, making Naruto blush a deep red. She pulled out a bottle of water and grinned, “Now, let's see if baby Naruto can use his diapers like a real baby~!”

Naruto’s eyes widened as Sarada dumped the water onto the crotch of the doll. Instantly, he felt his bladder give way and his muscles relax, and a loud hissing filled the room. His diaper became soaked, warm and squishy. The only thing louder was his muffled wails of shame as he wet himself, like a big silly baby Hokage.

Two Months Later…

And that was how the next several months went. Sarada ‘experimented’ with the voodoo doll, always making sure to keep it out of Naruto’s reach. He was made to crawl on all-fours around the house, watch childish TV shows, and play with little toys.

Eventually, Sarada realized she didn’t even need to use the doll to make Naruto do these things. Just the mere threat of public humiliation whilst under its influence was enough to keep him in line. With that, she went even further, and began focusing on the real Naruto instead of the doll Naruto.

She changed his living space with cute furniture, including a big baby bouncer he spent a lot of time in. She started ordering lots of yummy food for him to eat. He had to suffer the indignity of being denied ‘big boy food’, and gulp down jars and jars of baby mush. Worst of all, he was forced to use his diapers instead of the ‘potty’, and faced the shame of being changed by someone half his size.

The conditioning worked fast, and the constant threat of being outed to the entire Village as a silly, diaper-wearing baby kept Naruto in check, for the most part. Sometimes, however, he needed a ‘reminder’, which usually found him sitting in his high chair, watching helplessly as Sarada swatted the Doll’s bottom with a small hairbrush.

The resulting pain from the voodoo spanking usually left him bawling, and much more compliant by the end. Before he knew it, he became more docile and accepting of his fate, becoming used to the routine, and Sarada’s control in his life.

And that’s how he ended up where he was, whimpering as he felt his tummy grow full from the baby food, already working its way down. It wouldn’t be long before he needed a diaper change. Sarada gave him no time to recover, quickly replacing the spoons of food with a large bottle of milk, which he instinctively began drinking. He knew that trying to resist would result in a sore, painful bottom, and he decided it was better to just get it over with as quickly as possible.

Sarada nodded and smiled, pleased with Naruto’s progress, “Such a good boy! Now once you finish your milk, I’ve got to go. I’m being sent off on a mission!”

Naruto’s eyes widened excitedly. Maybe this was his chance! He could use the opportunity to destroy the doll, and escape from this humiliation!

Those hopes, fleeting as they were, were quickly dashed as Sarada continued, “But don’t worry, your big sis isn’t gonna leave you alone! I’ve got you a babysitter!”

Naruto paled as he heard the front door open, and loud heavy footsteps headed closer. He whimpered as the figure entered the living room, feeling his tummy rumble nervously as he looked up at them, seeing a familiar face.

"So, THIS is what you’ve been doing with your time, ‘Baby Hokage’.” Sasuke smirked, leaning against the doorway.

Naruto felt his face heat up, and tears of embarrassment start to fill his eyes. A loud hissing and farting sound could also be heard, as he also began to fill his diapers in front of his best friend and rival. That pretty much sent him over the edge from sniffling, to full blown tantrum.

As the once proud Hokage began a loud, frantic crying fit in their full diaper, a small little doll watched the spectacle from its seat on a high shelf, looking down at the trio.

Naruto still didn’t know what the Puppet Jutsu user who created the doll wanted to use it for, but he had a feeling that nothing could have been more humiliating than this.



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