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I'm in a dilemma related to patreon rewards, nothing more fair than asking you directly!

I  was considering adding Speedpaint videos and/or PSD files as new Patreon rewards in 2017 but I'm worried. Tell me what you think!

I created a 24 hour poll on twitter that you can vote:


My worries are about the responsability of recording every stream or even offline work, shorten them from 10 hours to a 10 minute video, and repeating it every time I finish an arwork. I already make the effort of creating those .zip patreon file updates and it's already something that takes up time after I'm done with an artwork, which makes me take more time before I can move on to the next piece. I know it's possible but I'm afraid of the how i  can be in long term...

Oh and the thing about PSD files is that my signature loses it's "strenght" and I might end up seeing unwanted edits around, compromising the art's integrity. It's one of my worries about that.

And the good side about it is that there would be more content from me and I could have it as a good reason for the +$10 reward pledge. But I'm curious to know what you think! Maybe it's good the way it is and I don't have to change because I got better internet.



Don't do the PSDs - compromising the integrity of your work is no fun. For the speedpaint videos, just set up a quick script that'll speed up the video for you - no more than 3 minutes of work should be required to set up the recording and edit the videos. Hopefully that's a low enough barrier to entry that you'll be able to stay consistent! Good luck!


I thought about this... And it's not really my favorite option ;-; but PSDs would at least be less effort than the speedpaint ideas, because I sometimes stream more than one artwork per stream and I would need to chop the right bits and put them in the right order and oh gawd


I was thinking a long time what to write and... i have no idea what to tell u x(


To be honest, I know that you're worried about getting $20 rewards up, but I'd say neither to those two. One of them would, as you note, allow edits to your art, and the other sounds like it would take time that you'll be too tired to put in - completely understandable, but something you should nonetheless avoid if you can. Have you considered maybe polling your $20 supporters about what art you'll make next? Like, maybe occasionally put up a couple ideas you have for your next art pieces and let them decide the choice of what you'll make. It gives them something special, and you can always still make the losing pieces of artwork later.