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Hey guys! Sorry for the absense! 

I've been dealing with a moving, I will soon be moving to another state and living with my boyfriend after years of wait! It's a very special moment in my life and I wanted to have everything planned and ready for that to happen, this might explain why I have been extra slow lately (Sorry! T-T)

I will be taking my flight next week but I'll work on some things before that happens, Weekend 2 - Page 24 is almost finished and I will soon be posting here for you! Thanks for supporting and welcome to the new patrons! <3

Read the journal about it here:




Congratulations, Haru sama, I hope you and your mate will be very happy together, you deserve it after waiting for so long, so just take your time and enjoy that special time you two will be spending together. :)


Can't wait to hear from you from your new life~ And sitting here wishing you a safe and happy trip!