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I wrote a new journal, it’s very long and personal, if you want to read:


Also, since it's been a while I updated the patreon files, I want to take this opportunity to say that I have been working on art and comic page, but none of them is finished yet, they're halfway done, this might explain the lack of updates. Thanks for understanding!



First off, it's great to hear about what's going on with you in these personal journals, so thanks for sharing. Privacy and personal time are very important, and you shouldn't feel any shame in wanting your fair share of both. The story of struggling with fame is a common one. There was an extremely interesting game last year called "The Beginner's Guide", which was a representation of how the real-life developer felt that his creative impulses were dampened by the expectations of others once he became famous. It's very cheap on Steam and less than two hours to play through, so I recommend it if you want to see an interesting and different expression of what you're going through. Positive reactions to your art can be incredibly rewarding, so try not to lose that too in your attempts to not be dragged down by the hate. I love the work you do and I hope you get a better handle on your position in life! Stay awesome! <3


Thanks for you reply and for understanding too, I'll take a look at that game on steam ^^ Things are getting better and I hope to be back at 100% soon!