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Hi guys, It's been too long since the last update! 

I had a scare 3 weeks ago after having chest pain and seeing a doctor, I'm taking meds for anxiety now and there's a slight improvement in life, I'm worrying less and feeling more open to things.

Also switched my workplace from the old laptop to a desktop PC! The muscle memory was a big problem but I'm getting used to it :P even changed table and chair since the back part was broken, feels like a fresh restart. 

To be honest I've been anxious and uninspired for a long time and told myself I would only post a new update when I was feeling better, so here I am ^^

Other not so important news: 

I had an idea about Weekend, and my friend IndustrialGamer (who wrote the Weekdays) wrote a short story about it, the original thought was more about body acceptance but we still wanted to share the pdf somewhere. I feel that need to express thoughts sometimes but the thought of making everything into a comic is exhausting just to think of, oof, anyways, food for thought! You can download it in the attached files.

Recently I watched the movie Kiki's Delivery Service after reading that it spoke about artist burnout and I really recommend it, I cried watching ;-;

I started collecting Pokemon cards and it's reinvigorating, it pushes my motivation foward and is a calm hobby to have :3





I have a sneaking suspension this is more then just bro being bros.


Well I’m glad you are doing better hon just take it slow idc if you don’t post your Health is number one


Hope you are doing better, like bow said health first, as always super great work


knowing this, knowing I can let myself room to breathe does wonders to the mind ;-; <3 I thank you and all for understanding.


Awwwwww hon don’t worry about it art takes time and I get that and well I deal with a lot of health stuff to so I get that part as well


Good to hear you're doing better. Feel free to put us on hold if needed. We are here for you!


Glad you're feeling better.