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I express better like this




Is everything alright Zeta?


Awww...Zeta, I hope you’re doing okay! <3


Hope you're feeling okay, don't be afraid to talk to someone if you aren't! It's totally fine to feel upset sometimes.


Wishing you well, stay strong, you have support all around you buddy!


I'm ok, life has its ups and downs I just wasn't drawing/sharing much of the downs

Nelson Cabrera

Glad you're ok. We were worry about you. But if it's everything alright then there's nothing to worry about anymore :D. And you express your feelings very well, Zeta. Even if haven't realized of that yet. ^^. Take care.

Nelson Cabrera

We are here with you, dude. You have Gabe and us too, you're not alone


Know that we're all here supporting you know matter what, sending all the love


We certainly care for you. Don’t be afraid to take extra time with your work if you need to take a break. It doesn’t bother us. Really. Just none of us want to see you feeling bad. Thanks for hearing us out. Love from us to you, always.


We all have bad days and parts of life where we feel down, just know we’re all here for you, and that having a way to express it so elegantly is very impressive

Nelson Cabrera

We want you to see you ok, just that. If you need your own pace and time, we'll wait for you the time that it takes no matter what. Cheer on, buddy (L). We love you

Nelson Cabrera

My days are full of ups and downs and sometimes I express my downs in facebook or twitter because it helps me to pulling out bad vibes out my head and my thoughts get well after that. And smile is the best medicine in the world. We all have our ways to express our feelings, buddy. We don't judge anyone and muche less you, you're our friend and that's what friends are for. In good times and bad times we stick together and support each other

Nelson Cabrera

You're so lucky to have Gabe who loves you and takes care of you as well as we do. And we're very lucky have friends like you two. ^^