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Hey guys! I wanted to make a quick and small poll, just for you: Question 1: In the Weekend 2 comic, what would your opinion be on "flashbacks"? (1-2 pages that will quickly show someone's memory or something that happened but doesn't necessarily needs to be included in it's full form) i.e. Joel's mom reminds of the first impression she had of Daniel. Question 2: About the style of the comic, what's your opinion on different styles of speech balloons? (different colors for each character, a few transparent ballons so the view isn't too obstructed, etc) If I want to make an upgrade, the sequel can't have the same original layout as the first comic. Comment below!




Personally I think flashbacks would add more to the overall story which would be great and messing around with slightly colored transparent chat bubbles could look pretty nice or maybe even just adding slight color to the outer edge of the bubble


Yes to both. Do whatever you think will make it more awesome.


I like the idea of flashbacks when they dont take over the whole things. 1 to 2 pages of flashback though would deepen the plot and make it a more enjoyable read :3 The different colored bubbles idea is a good one as well. I actually saw the same thing in another comic and it helped me out greatly due to the amount of dialogue.


Yes to both for the reasons above.


I think flashbacks are a really good idea and i think you should give them alot of detail too so we can have a good idea of the back story behind them. Also the chat balloons sound like a really good idea.


I think both are a good idea and would add to the comic...so long as the different colored speech bubbles aren't too distracting from the scenery