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Project Poll 25

  • 1. Cammy Hairstyle 14
  • 2. Wolf Cut 22
  • 3. Fishtail Braid 22
  • 4. Long Asian style 10
  • 5. HUHD bun 10
  • 6. Side over shoulder ponytail 7
  • 7. Kobeni Hairstyle 17
  • 8. None 1
  • 2023-09-27
  • —2023-10-16
  • 103 votes
{'title': 'Project Poll 25', 'choices': [{'text': '1. Cammy Hairstyle', 'votes': 14}, {'text': '2. Wolf Cut', 'votes': 22}, {'text': '3. Fishtail Braid', 'votes': 22}, {'text': '4. Long Asian style', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '5. HUHD bun', 'votes': 10}, {'text': '6. Side over shoulder ponytail', 'votes': 7}, {'text': '7. Kobeni Hairstyle', 'votes': 17}, {'text': '8. None', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 16, 9, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 27, 14, 32, 28, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 103}


Okay, I think my journey into the stars is over for the time being, time to get back to it.

On that note, before anything else, I feel I should adress the last poll (Starfield body mod). Quite a lot of people showed interest in it aaaannnd ... mine kinda dropped off as I was playing the game. I was waaay more excited about the prospect before touching the game, I have to say. To be honest, I am more disappointed than pleased with the SF in its current form, so at this point I am really undecided if I want to push myself and put in the kind of effort that a full blown body would require into it. The ideea is not off the table, but I'm less interested in it as of now. In any case, tools need to be made before that is even possible, so for now I'll wait and see how things develop.

Now, on to the actual current poll.

As I was making the packs that got released recently, reviewing files and releases and what not, I noticed that it's almost been a full year since I made and released a new hairstyle. I guess that shouldn't be too surprising, cause the last one was such an undertaking that it got me insanely burned out on anything hair related.

Well, I finally feel courageous enough to try a new one, so here's a new dedicated hair poll and the options I picked for it. Poll is multi-choice as always, so feel free to pick as many as you want.

1. Cammy Hairstyle

- picked this up from the last poll. Wasn't extremely popular as I recall, but it is pretty different that most of the other styles here, so for the sake of poll choice variety, I'm giving it one last shot.

- pretty straight-forward and basic, shouldn't be too much trouble to make.

- I do feel compelled to mention, as I probably have in the past, those long braids may not look great ingame for animation purposes, so consider yourselves warned :P

2. Wolf Cut

- so this one is pretty cool and I think trendy/popular in real-life too at the moment. It's also probably the most challenging style here to make. I would be mostly using the first image as a primary ref/guide and getting that airy layered look right is not going to be easy, that much I can tell.

- but more challenging styles can produce more gorgeous results potentially, so it may be worth the trouble, I think this could really turn out great.

3. Fishtail Braid

- I think this has been in 2(?) other hair polls from memory, so this is probably the last chance I'm going to give it. Definitely a nice looking style, though maybe not fit for every setting.

- don't think it's going to be extremely difficult, but then again I've never gotten the opportunity to do full blown braids, so I can't be sure how it's going to turn out or how challenging it's going to be.

4. Long Asian style

- right, I'm not sure what this is called, but I see this style (and variations on it) all the time when I go searching for hair photos, on Asian women in particular, so I'd say it's a pretty popular style. Also not too difficult to pull off, depending on the features I go for.

- In terms of length I would probably go for a longer version, probably slightly bellow the shoulders. For hair type, I'd go for something more on the straighter side as opposed to those images, slightly similar to the first 3. As good as curls or wavy features look, I just don't have it in me to attempt a long wavy/curly style after the last hair I made, that shit was ENDLESS.

5. HUHD bun

- a longer style like the previous option. I would most likely go for something like the first image and keep it straight with a basic bun. May or may not go for some bangs in the front rather than pulling it all behind, not sure on that as of now.

- I think this is probably one of the easier ones in this poll, depending if I do bangs in the front and how complex the bun gets, even if it's on the longer side.

6. Side over shoulder ponytail

- ummm, I can NOT for the life of me find real life photo references of this hairstyle. Closest I got were side braids or side ponytails that look nothing like what I want. Had to resort to using anime pictures that kinda more closely resemble what I had in mind, which is the first one. This f**king sucks, cause while I like the style, it is difficult to make good looking hair without proper real life photos of the style to consult and draw from. On the bright side, I learned that this is called the "dead anime mom hair" in my google travels ... you find out something new everyday :P

- I think it could look extremely nice all things considered, assuming I can find more pictures, so giving it a shot here. If I can't find pictures, it might end up looking ... simplistic, for the lack of a better word, but maybe that's not the worst thing.

7. Kobeni Hairstyle

- last one and it got last minute in here too. I was considering another style initially, but it could've potentially been too popular and I wasn't too excited about the prospect of making it. Thankfully, I remembered about this one and quickly replaced it.

- and I am really glad that I remembered it, cause I actually like it a lot. I like asymmetry and this hairstyle features it in spades. Asymmetric front, asymmetric back with the side raspy ponytail and asymmetric hair clip accessories that draw the eye in and tie it all together. Cute, nicely designed and has potential for nice detailing, if I decide to take it that far.

- unfortunately, it suffers a bit from the issues presented in #6, but it basically being yet another variation on the common Asian style that I talked out in #4 means that it is much easier to at least get similar photo refs to work from.

I've also left in a "None" option in as always, use that if you don't like the options or want a different type of poll, which would most likely be random pieces like the last couple.

This should be it for now. I'll keep this open for a bit on the longer side, to give me a chance to make some other items in the meantime.


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